chiffon cake

how to make chiffon cake
materials one tablespoon of rosemary
100g of weak flour
one teaspoon of baking powder
five eggs
100g of granulated sugar
90cc of milk
one teaspoon of Cointreau (the liquor of the orange)
one teaspoon of Kirsch (The liquor of the cherry)
90cc of salad oil
(This picture shows not only the chiffon cake but also the pound cake with a red pepper.)
chiffon cakes
1 At first mix weak flour and baking powder.
Chop rosemary into small pieces.
2 Divide eggs into egg yolk and egg white and mix egg yolks well.
3 Add 1/3 of granulated sugar and mix them well till it becomes whitish.
4 Add milk, Cointreau, kirsch, salad oil and mix them.
Add 1 and the rosemary and mix them.
5 You make meringue next.
Beat egg white to a bowl.
6 When bubbles rise on appearance, dvide the granulated sugar which was left into three times.And mix them. Beat it well till it becomes hard.
7 Add 1/3 of the meringue on 4 and mix it.
Add half of the remaining meringue and mix it well.
8 Add remaining meringue and mix the whole carefully from the bottom of the bowl not to delete bubbles.
9 Pour it into a pattern not to have hole.
And bake it with an oven of 180 degrees for 35-40 minutes.
10 If it is baked, invert it immediately and completely cool it.
Take off from the pattern if it cools down.
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