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terms explanations
angiosperms Plants have an ovary covering a seed bud.
annual plant It is a plant dying within one year.
Beto disease It is a disease generated by mold parasitism.
calyx The outside part of the flower.
carpel An organ at the center of a flower.
cutting Cutting a branch, putting in soil and making it germinate.
dicotyledones It is a name for a group of flowering plants whose seed typically contains two embryonic leaves.
division When one cuts the root of the plant into pieces with a knife, to divide them and plant them.
dry herb tea We dry herb tea and make it.
dry save The thing which dry herbs and save them.
freeze The thing which refrigerates herbs and saves them.
fresh herb tea Herb tea to make with fresh herbs.
fruit The thing which an ovary grows into. There are seeds inside.
gamopetalous flowers Plants with the petals united by their margins, at least at the base.
germination The process where a seed begins to sprout.
gymnospermae Plants don't have any ovary, and seed bud shows.
herb Medicinal herbs fix physical conditions and cure symptoms.
herb bathing Floating herbs in the bath for aromatherapy.
herb butter Mixing herbs with butter.
herb cookie They are the cookies which herbs are in.
herb garden A garden which brings up herbs.
herb oil Herbs being soaked in oil.
herb soil The soil which was blended to bring up herbs.
herb spice Herb to give flavor to cooking.
herb tea The way to make tea with herbs.
herb vinegar Herb being soaked in vinegar.
Humus It is soil with water retentivity in organic matter.
lavender stick It is lavendery in the shape of a stick. We enjoy its smell.
line seeding Planting seeds in a straight line.
manure It is a material to make the growth of the plant better.
ovary The organ that bears the ovules of a flower.
Peat moss It is the soil with watery moss.
perennial plant Plants last through several years.
photosynthesis A process possible in the presence of light where CO2 and water are converted into oxygen and organic materials.
pistil There is a capital and is pollinated when the pollen of the stamen arrives.
planting Burying it in the ground to bring up a plant.
point seeding Sowing several seeds in one place.
pollination Pollen sticks to a carpel of the tip of the pistil.
potpourri It is dry herbs. We use them as spice and insect repellent.
Red Ball Clay Mixed with soil to add drainage.
scattering Sowing seeds in different places.
schizopetalous flowers Plants in which petals aren't united in dicotyledones.
seed The thing which pollinated seed bud grows into.
seed bud The part which becomes the seed when it grows into a seed plant.
seed plants It is a plant growing with a seed. It is divided into 2; angiosperm and the gymnospermae.
seedling A young tree that is generally less than 3 feet high.
single cotyledons The plants have one cotyledon in an angiosperm.
stalk It is in the stamen which has pollen.
stamen One of the male organs of a flower.
stoma Pore in the epidermis of leaves and some stems, which permits gas exchange.
transpiration Loss of water vapour from plants into the atmosphere.
vermiculite The soil is artificial soil made with a vermiculite.

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