Tax history

How much do you know about the history of taxes?

Here I summarized the history of "Japanese taxes" from ancient times to the present in a chronological table.Please have a look.


History of tax
Asuka Period
We decded a new system that All the land and people called the public citizen held in the year 645 shall belong to the Emperor. ln addition we made a mechanism to tax the people with tax tone and prosperith by Taiku Ruling completed 710 ,
What is Tai・ Tone・yong So=3% tax on rice harvest. Cho =A tax that pays local products of localities. Yeon = Tax to pay cloth of hemp or work in the capital.
Nara Period
ln the year 743 the konden-einen-shizai-hou, a system that allows people to land yourself by culting the land has been transfomed into privatization of the iand.
Heian Period
Shrines and manors=Land can be found in various places and the people paid the annual are to public affirs (yam. cloth charcoal, vegetables eth)?
Kamakura Period
 The economy de velo ped nnder "Guardlan (Person who hacl eeter duties as police)","Jinushi (Person who took administration)"and "the Proprietor of a mano". then annual due,puplic affairs anel some task were imposed on thepope.
Muromachi Period
The majour tax was annual due at first, then the taxes were aloso imporsed on commercial people by the development of commercial actipities and the toll tax nax imposed on peopie on the way of town,    
Azuchi Momoyama Period
Toyotomi Hideyoshi coduted land survey , examined the area and harvest of the farmland and caused the taxes to be started The tax rate at that time was two-thirde of the harvest.
 Edo Period
 It is said that they paid rice etc. as the majoy of the tax which is imposed to the field . Instetead of recognizing the privilege of the Commerce Committee to the same trader named Unjo-kin/Unjo kin alos paid the tax on the commerce and industry.
The Meiji government coducted of the the land tax reform (tax system reform) 1873 in ordeer to stadilize the income of the country called revenue, In the refome of land tax. 3% of the price of land was paid in cash. In addition. income tax (tax on salary)(Those who get more then 300 yen in salary at this time had to pay,)
The tax increase continued in Taisho era, Tax payment decame an obligatiory at this time.
1946, taxpayers voluntarily calculated their own payroll, reported, and settled the tax return system for declaration. By around 1950(Shoup' s recommendation) . This idea is not changed now, The tax rule was changed acccrding to tax reform econony,
What is Shau's recommendotion?
Dr, Shaup, professor at Columbia University who was born in the United States who came to Japan on what kind of tax system to apply for the postwar Japanese economy submitted a survey, 1996 taxpayers voluntarily calculated their own salary, reported, and settled the tax return system for tax returns.
We introduced consumption tax (taxes to be pald when you buy things) and income tax (tax on salary) to pay tax cuts debt etc, Also in 1997 the consumption tax has changed to 5% and in 2014 it has ta;sed to 8%. It is said be 10% next yeay.