Everyone, have you ever thought about "if there are no taxes".
Perhaps, I think that many people have not thought of.So I will tell you the information we have examined and what my idea.First of all, I would like to talk about what will happen if there is no tax.

If there is no tax ・ ・ ・

Fire foece will not come even if a fire occurs. There are people who are sick, but ambulances do not come.
Because there is no garbage collection, it becomes unsanitary. We can not take classes because there are no textbooks or desks
Because thepolice does not check our town, the safety of the town can not be kept. Hospital fee increases.
Things does not work. Even if roads and bridges break, it can not be repaired. 
Burden to households increases. We can not buy a book of a library because We can not use a personal computer. 

Such cases happen.


By paying tax ・ ・ ・

how is it? Did you know what will happen if the tax goes away, what kind of things can be done with taxes?

Next, I will introduce the town tax of Tamaki where we live.

①resident tax
②property tax
③car tax
④cigarre tax
⑤special land holding tax

By the way, do you know about tax increases? It is decided to be raised from 8% to 10% in 2019
Do you think that everything will be raised to 10% everything? Actually, it is not!
It is said that a low tax will be set for beverages and food items.
However, eating out and catering etc. are not included in the subject item of reduced tax rate.
And we also include newspapers.
We will not be eligible if we are not based on a subscription agreement

Did you understand the nicessity of taxes and the tax increase to 10%? I'd like you to think about this!

≪Things I thought≫

I made this homepage and learned a lot about taxes.
What will happen if tax increases or no taxes? What if I did not make this homepage I did not know anything.  
I think that the person who saw this homepage saw many things as I saw.
Since I think there are things that I have not investigated, why do not you check out a lot about taxes ???

How about checking you a tax as well?