Information you should know conducting 

What is tax?
Money collected by countries and regions for the purpose of doing public services.
Tax also has national tax and local tax.
What is national tax? 
Money collected by the country.
What is local tax?
Money collected by the district where you live.Prefectural tax and municipal tax are divided into two.

Role of tax
Funding source procurement function   Income redistribution function   Economic stabilization function
Roles of fulfilling public services.  Role giving people who earn a lot of money to pay taxes and give money to people with low income necessary money for life. Raising taxes when the economy is good, rolling down taxes and reducing economic fluctuations when the economy is bad.

Three principles of tax
Principle of fairness
  Principle of neutrality Principle of simplicity 
Itpr pthe rovides same burden on people of the same salary (horizontal equity) and burdens a lot of people who pay a lot.(Vertical Equity) Recently the equality (generational equality) in generations is becoming important. Do not hinder the choice of employment or start-up of individuals or companies. To simplify the tax structure and make it easy to understand.