Japan and The Other Country's Tax

We also examined the tax difference between Japan and the world.
From now onwards, Japan is getting more and more aging society,
As the proportion of working people is decreasing,
How does Japan deal with this tax problem
Will you confront it?


 Big government
 Although the level of public service will be higher, the burden on the public will be higher accordingly.
A small governmentt   Although the level of public services will be lower, the burden on the public will be smaller accordingly.

In the case of a big government Sweden

Sweden can receive the following services instead of paying many taxes to the country.

1 Welfare for the elderly
(Elderly special housing, home care etc)

2 Child Care Policy
(Childcare leave, child allowance, nursery service etc.)

3 Economic Policy
(Pension system etc.)
An annuity is money that is regularly paid annually.
These public services are substantial.

In the case of a small government in the case of America

Instead of paying a small amount of tax on the US, because the public medical insurance system is not sufficiently guaranteed,
Each citizen must join private medical insurance.

in Japan's case
However, in Japan the level of public service is reasonably high, so the burden of taxation of the people is small so-called,
It can be said that it is a country that is not clear whether it is a large government at medium welfare / low burden or a small government

Tax Height Overall Ranking

1st place: Aruba 2nd place: Sweden 3 rd place: Denmark 4th place: Netherlands 5th place: Belgium 6th: Australia 7th: Japan 8th place: the United Kingdom 9th place: Finland 10th place: Ireland

And Japan was ranked 7th.

1.95 million yen or less


1.95 million yen ~ 3 3 million yen or less


3.3 million yen ~ 695 million yen or less


695 million yen ~ 9 million yen or less


9 million yen ~ 18 million yen or less


From 18 million yen to 40 million yen or less


40 million yen ~


In this way, income tax will change according to the annual income that Japan receives.
However, in addition to income tax, such as inhabitant tax and consumption tax, many
Because there is Tax taken from money with income tax deducted
Thinking about them, you can see that Japan is the seventh largest tax.

And the tax with the highest tax.
Aruba is a country in the West Indies.
The tax rate of Aruba58.95%and the tax is high!
Why is the tax so high that the economy is established,
Because the people are rich.

As you can see from the fact that taxes are high, it is not so true that the people are comfortable.