13.Take concrete measures against climate change
Goal 12 is "To take urgent steps to mitigate climate change and its effects".
Image:Quoted from United Nations Information Centre HP(https://www.unic.or.jp/activities/economic_social_development/sustainable_development/2030agenda/sdgs_logo/sdgs_icon/)
Concrete Challenges that can occur in a city
1.Development of seawalls and rivers
2.Greenhouse gas emissions, heat island effect (excessive concentration in cities)
3.Promotion of energy conservation (Energy conservation at individual facilities, introduction of surface energy, use of renewable energy, and use of various types of energy)
4.Visualization of Disaster Risks Due to Climate Change
Above challenges are quoted from MLIT"スマートシティの実現に向けて 【中間とりまとめ】(https://www.mlit.go.jp/common/001249774.pdf)"