Consumer Issues    
 Japanese people are losing interest in rice 
<Click on the graph to see a table with detailed figures.> 
   Consumption is the number of rice consumed domestically Production is the amount of rice produced domestically Per person per year is the net food supplied per person per year 
Food Supply and Demand Table / Official Report FY 2008 Food Supply and Demand Table (e-stat, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries)
The figure above shows the transition between production and consumption.
This shows that both
production and consumption are on the decline. This means that people are not eating rice anymore.
 Since 1989, production has been
more below consumption. The fact that production has been decreasing means that "rice production is decreasing."
This also means that the number of farmers is decreasing. If we continue to eat less and less rice, we will not be able to sell rice, the number of farmers will decrease, and our food self-sufficiency rate will also decrease.
When I went to interview him, the person in charge at JA said
"The biggest problem for us is that people are not eating our rice anymore. "He said.
He also said that it would be good if both the people who make the food and the people who eat it could "
benefit" from it.
 So why is the shift away from rice happening?
 It is said that the main reasons for this are the increase in the use of dishes other than rice as staple foods (bread, pasta, etc.) due to the introduction of foreign cultures and the decrease in the number of people eating breakfast.
 What can be done to solve the problem of rice separation?
 The solution to this problem is the same as food self-sufficiency.
 I think we can solve this problem the same way we solve food self-sufficiency:
by eating rice as our staple food, and by eating our meals without leaving anything behind.
You can also try to eat rice for breakfast. I think there are many other ways to solve this problem. Other solutions that we have come up with can be found in "Raising Food Self-Sufficiency".

food loss  
   Darkest color
 Total food loss for the year

Second darkest color
 Household system for that year

Third darkest color
 Business system in that year
 In recent years, people not only do not eat rice, but also throw away rice and other food. It is a shame to throw away something that can be eaten, and it is also a shame to the people who made the food. 
Food loss in Japan is currently 6.12 million tons, of which 2.84 million tons is household food loss.