Food culture → Edible parts and Nutrient

Edible Parts and Nutrient

Edible parts of tunas


This is a rare part of the tuna, from the gills near the head, from which only two parts of the tuna are taken per tuna. Collar is taken from the part of the tuna that moves most frequently, so the meat is very firm. It also faces the large fatty part of the tuna, so it has a good amount of fat.

Red meat

It is found on the inside of the belly and back muscles, surrounding the bone. It is very nutritious.

Bloody meat

It is present in almost the same place as red meat, parts close to the spine. Valued for its edible qualities.

Toro (fatty meat)

You have probably heard of this part of the fish. It is divided into three main sections from the head: top, middle and bottom. The upper part is the most expensive and has the richest flavor, while the lower part is less expensive compared to the head. The bottom is Chutoro, which is less expensive than Otoro.

Nutrient values of tunas

This section introduces nutrient value of tunas.
Among the effects contained in tuna, the following three nutritional components are noteworthy: proteins, inorganic substances/vitamins, and polyunsaturated fatty acids (DHA/EPA).


Proteins are especially abundant in the red meat. Tuna is a very high protein food. Protein is an important nutrient that builds our bodies. Fish protein improves high blood pressure and has a stroke-preventing effect. Taurine, which is present in close proximity to the red meat, also contains taurine, which has various benefits such as preventing high blood pressure, promoting cholesterol metabolism, strengthening the liver, and reducing sympathetic nervous system hyperactivity.

Inorganic substances/vitamins

These include a whopping eight or more kinds of inorganic substances/vitamins, which are in meat of tunas. Irons abundant in the red meat especially are effective in preventing and eliminating anemia. Vitamin E, one of the abundant vitamens in tuna meat, also is effective in improving blood circulation and is effective in creating beautiful skin, stiff shoulders, and back pain. Selenium, an inorganic substance also abundant in tuna meat, has an anti-cancer effect, and potassium helps maintain normal water levels in the body and aids nerve and muscle function.


DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) are nutrients called polyunsaturated fatty acids. DHA and EPA are abundant in fish fat but not in animal fat and plant oils. DHA and EPA are effective in reducing neutral fat and bad cholesterol in the blood, and increasing good cholesterol in the blood. These effects prevent the risk of cerebral thrombosis, cerebral infarction, and other terrible diseases. In addtion, recent research suggests that it prevents blurring and has an effect on the mind.
We humans cannot synthesize DHA and EPA in our bodies, so we need to take them in our diet.

It was found that tuna contains many nutrients that can prevent diseases, such as increasing the number of good cholesterol in the blood and improving blood and cholesterol metabolism. It seem that the tuna are not only preventing diseases, but also effective in learning and skin care, and so on.
These potential of tuna suggests that tuna is a "superfood" that is attracting attention from various fields.

Tuna Quiz (3)

Which of the nutrients contained in tuna is said to be effective in improving learning ability?

Proteins Incorrect!

Protein is a nutrient that builds our bodies.
DNA Incorrect!

DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) is the substance that consisting of genes.
DHA Correct!

DHA is a kind of nutrient called polyunsaturated fatty acid, and EPA is well known.


とれたてねっと>鮪 コラム一覧>マグロに含まれている栄養成分とは?どんな効果効能が期待できる?
  (translated title: Tuna Column>What are the nutrients contained in tuna? What kind of beneficial effects can be expected?)
  (in Japanese)

マグロのふしぎがわかる本 (translated title: A book that understands the mystery of tuna)
  Authors:Hideki Nakano and Masakazu Oka
  (in Japanese)

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