HOMEPlant and usNature and plant around us

Nature and plant around us

What we will learn

  • Here, we will look at the nature in Miroku Park in Sanuki City, Kagawa.
  • What kinds of nature can you find here?
The plants of Miroku Park
This is the entrance of Miroku Park in Sanuki City, Kagawa.
There are plants which people planted, but there are also plants growing wild.
We can enjoy athletics in nature.
There are a lot of plants around the edge of the pond.
This flower is the Rhaphiolepis umbellata.
This is a flower of Uno Hana.
This is a white hydrangea.
This is a pink hydrangea.
This flower is the Erigeron philadelphicus.
This flower is an azalea.
This is a miniature rose.
These are the leaves of the Japanese maple.
There are various plants in Miroku Park. There are more plants around the pond. Water is necessary so that plants.

NATURE TRAVEL by team130133 is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.1 Japan.