Category of taxs@ -Consumption tax-

「Doctor, Did I pay the tax?」
「Tax has many ways to pay.」
「Please tell me!」

If you want to know in detail, please click Here!

「First, please tell me easy one.」
「I see.」
「What's name?」
「It called "Consumption tax". Have you hear this?」
「I thought so.」
「How pay it?」
「This conote in the values of products.」
「What do you mean?」
「You buy something, you'll pay money.」
「Of course.」
「You'll pay tax, too.」
「I got it!」
「Do you know how much?」
「I know it! It's 5yen.」
「Almost. It's only in Hundred-yen store.」
「I don't like math.」
「The percrntage of it is 5%.」
「Oh I see.」
「the rich people have to pay much.」
「Of course.」
「It's natural.」
「Doctor, Where we pay it?」
「The store pay the total for goverment.」
「Please tell me more.」

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