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Why is clean energy not common in Japan?


 Use of natural energy as solar and wind power is 1,6 percent of the amount of power generated in Japan.

 Why is it?

 We investigated and understood. There are many people who want to make a clean power plant.But, it is not possible to accept more electricity in the transmission line.In addition, it is not possible that large, wind-generated electricity will increase because there are many regulations
Why does not wind generated electricity increase?

 There are three reasons."1, It is not possible to accept more electricity in the transmission line." "2, It is not possible that large, wind-generated electricity will increase because there are many regulations.3, Because it takes time to finish an Environmental assessment, it takes four or five years until the start of power plant construction and generation.

 Furthermore, clean energy most is in need of the development of technology and reduction in cost. So, expansion of clean energy needs to encourage the investment.There is a possibility that the use of clean energy will lead to five hundred sixty billion tons to Two hundred twenty billion tons of greenhouse gas emissions after 40 years.


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