title Japanese preparation 1period 2period 3period 4period 5period 6period review sitemap

 We join forces.

 Our conclusion is"We should do by ourselves what we cando,and we should do what we cannot do by ourselves"
 Probably,you will feed that there things are not surprising. You,however,must not misunderstand.It"depending"is different from"entrusting to others". You should not think"You don't have to do because other people will do.But you should ask other people to help what you cannot do and you should help what other people cannot do"instead in other words,it is important to help each other.
 We will propose a concrete plan.
First,each person should reezamine mass consumption and mass production,and carry out saving energy. As having learned at this site,it is impossible for each person to make energy. We,however,can cut down consumption. Probably,some people think"nothing will change even if they do" However,unless we try to change,our consciousness will never be changed.
First,each person should reezamine mass consumption and mass production,and carry out saving energy. As having learned at this site,it is impossible for each person to make energy. We,however,can cut down consumption. Probably,some people think"nothing will change even if they do" However,unless we try to change,our consciousness will never be changed.
 We,however,must continue to energy. So we hope Japanese government and companies to cope with energy production more activery.
We,however,must continue to energy. So we hope Japanese government and companies to cope with energy production more activery.

What is your answer?

 This is only"our"answer. Probably,each of you considered the energy problems,didn't you? It is very wouderful because…

that's the beginning of all the things.


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