furnish by : SHARP Corporation
kainan city wakayama pref. japan


Mechanism of solar power

 Solar panels to make the solar power (or solar panels). In either would have been generated by any principle that? Solar panels are made of two types of semiconductor.

 Inside the solar panel in the sun , from the atoms of the material that make up the semiconductor , electronic pops out . To the semiconductor one , minus electricity will accumulate and are attracted to the semiconductor The other plus electricity . It's based on the idea that current flows use this function , install the electrode in solar panels , and connect electrical products .

 Solar power is also known as solar cells , but unlike batteries that you are using in everyday , you will not be able to treasure the electricity .

 Therefore , you can not it is not possible time zone the sun is out only to power generation , electricity is generated in the cloudy and rainy days are few , at night to power generation .

 On doing solar power , the problem is there are several .

 For power generation amount of one sheet of solar panels is low , if you need more power , you need to install the solar panels many . Therefore , in order to obtain more power in solar power , I require a vast land .

 If you just installed solar panels , you will not be able to obtain a stable power . It will be necessary to wash away the dust and dirt that accumulates on solar panels on a regular basis . In addition , snow can be a problem , and mowing is required if you have installed solar panels where the grass is lush . I can say that the regular maintenance may be required , and disadvantage in solar power .

 Solar power can be used to create electricity in solar panels only light and the sun . That they can generate electricity with no emissions and carbon dioxide would be the biggest benefit .

The usage of photovoltaics