Washington Convention

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Washington Convention

○What is Washington Convention??
○Ranking of CITES

What is Washington Convention?


…By the way,what is Washington Convention?
I Have ever heard of it, but I do not know well.

Mr CatMr Cat

"Washington Convention" is the treaty to regulate the international trade of rare animal and plant.
This Convention is subject to those obtained by processing them and part of the animal, such as fangs and fur.


Wow! Very severe. Why?

Mr CatMr Cat

By regulating the illegal trade, we can prevent the extinction of plant and animal.


I do not want endangered speicies to increase. Why the treaty was named Washington Convention. Washington is capital of USA, isn't it?

Mr CatMr Cat

Because the target of palnt and animal was chosen in Washington D.C on March 3, 1973.
The treaty was entered into force on July 1 of the year.
It is called 'CITES' based on the Capital letters.


I was not born in 1973
I didn't know it was started such a long time ago.
Did Japan sign a treaty?

Mr CatMr Cat

Of course! Japan signed a treaty on November 4, 1980.
172 countries have signed the treaty,now.


What will happen if we break the treaty?

Mr CatMr Cat

There is no penalty.So the member States will be required their own legal system.


Golly.But it is necessary to protect Convention.

Ranking of CITES


Mr Cat!!!!

Mr CatMr Cat

What's the matter?


I read the book it was written of the Washington Treaty, and I understood that it is ranked. The treaty do you make the rank as what criteria?

Mr CatMr Cat

CITES has been divided into three ranks by rarity of of animals and plants to trade.


Three runk??Washington Convention are divided by what criteria?
For example, such as items such as the rarity of?

Mr CatMr Cat

That's right.
Rank of CITES is determined by the rarity of of the flora and fauna.
Animal-plants specified in Level 1, type that might become extinct.
Of commercial purposes such as trying to make money in on TV is not allowed.


Well then rare plants and animals do I no longer look?
If do I not see in the zoo?

Mr CatMr Cat

Traded of academic research purposes, such as ecology research exhibits and zoo are allowed.
But import license and export license when we to trade.

Tamaki Tamaki

If panda can't see at zoo,I will be sad.
Rules less stringent ones of level 2 or less?

Mr Cat Mr Cat

Import license is required and (which admit not intended that trade threatens the survival of the kind, is what captured the individual so as not to violate the law) export license if you want to trade.


It is rules is loose a little level 2.

Mr CatMr Cat

Animal Flora that are specified in the Level 3, less afraid of extinction worldwide.
When animals and plants need protection, and requests the cooperation to ban international trade in commercial purposes other Contracting States in the country.


Small Number of levels is flora and fauna are Valuable.
Let's prevent the extinction of animals to defend the treaty.

 Animal and earth prpblem

Let's look in order!

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made by 芝浦☆アニマルズ 2013