


We did the following three experiments.

1,Experiment of Acid Rain Destroying the plants.

2,Experiment of Acid Rain Destroying Iron Nail.

3,Experiment of Acid Rain Destroying eggs.

Experiment of Acid Rain Destroying the plants.

1. Purpose

To see whether acid rain has any influence on plants.

2. Preparation for Experiment

-Seeds of radish


-Sulfuric acid(pH4・pH2)


3. Experimental Methodology

We planted seeds of radish in three planters,

in one, water was containing, in one, vitriol of pH4 was containing,

and in one was containing vitriol of pH2, to grow.

4. Result

4 days passed since the experiment started.

We could look seeing budding in each planters.

Day 8

The difference in lengths became evident.

Day 14

The radish in the planter containing sulfuric acid was thin and low.

And, the surface of the clod in the planter containing vitriol of pH2 became like white.

We finished the experiment and got enough results.

These pictures show planters containing water, sulfuric acid (pH4) and sulfuric acid (ph2) from left to right.

Planter containing water.

Planter containing vitriol (pH4).

Planter containing vitriol (pH2).

5. Consideration

We found that acid rain lowered the germinating rate and restricted the growth.

We came to the conclusion that sulfuric acid has a harmful impact.

We think the white matter on the soil is solid sulfuric acid.

6. Comment

I'm glad we got good results.

I hope many people will see this, so they will become aware of the harmful effect of acid rain on plants.(Birudon)

Experiment of Acid Rain Destroying Iron Nail.

1. Purpose

To see the strength of acid visually.

2. Preparation for Experiment

-Two test tubes

-Sulfuric acid (pH4・pH2)

-Iron nails

3. Experimental Methodology

We observed the two iron nails;

one was in vitriol of pH4 and the other was in vitriol of pH2, in the test tube.

4. Result

2 hours passed since the experiment started.

We could see air bubble rising from each iron nail.

The bubble in the test tube containing sulfuric acid of pH2 was bigger than the other.

And, after a few days passed, the iron nail the test tube with pH2 got red with rust.

5. Consideration

Sulfuric acid of pH2 melts the iron well.

Sulfuric acid of pH4 takes much longer.

We think the reason for the rusting is the oxidation effect of the sulfuric acid.

6. Comment

I understood acid have it's influence on iron clearly.

I could reaffirm terror of acid rain,

so saw metal that often containing by building dissolve easily.(Tetsutane)

Experiment of Acid Rain Destroying eggs.

1. Purpose

We examined the effect on the calcium carbonate of acid rain.

2. Preparation for Experiment

-Unfertilized eggs

-Sulfuric acid(pH4・pH2)

-Commercial vinegar

3. Experimental Methodology

We put 200ml the vinegar and the sulfuric acid(pH4・pH2) in a beaker, and soaked eggs in each.

We replaced the reagent once a day, and observed the results every day at 8:00 and 15:00.

4. Result

Reaction was seen in all beakers from the start of the experiment.

After 7 hours, the eggs were reacting, but there were no significant changes in the sulfuric acid.

Foam is generated in the liquid surface in the vinegar, and was out a little from the liquid surface afloat.

After 48 hours, the number of bubbles that attached to the egg's surface in the sulfuric acid(pH2) increased,

but the sulfuric acid(pH4) didn't.

The egg in vinegar have already been soft a little.

After 55 hours, a part of the eggshell in vinegar dissolved and could see the contents of the egg.

After 72 hours, the eggshell in vinegar almost melted away and was very soft.

After 79 hours, the thin skin is called the cuticle begins to

come off the surface of the eggshell in the sulfuric acid(pH2),

and we deemed that the egg's reaction in vinegar had stopped.

We confirmed that the cuticle had come off the surface of the eggshell

in the sulfuric acid(pH2) everyday for several days.

After 552 hours(23 days), we confirmed that it had stopped.

5. Consideration

■Equation with the sulfuric acid

CaCO3 + H2SO4 → CaSO4 + CO2 + H2O

We can regard the bubble included around the eggs as carbon dioxide.

And, we are of the view that because calcium sulfate covered the surface of the eggs

and hindered reacting between the eggshell and the sulfuric acid,

the eggshell's reaction stopped and the egg shell didn't melt completely.

■Equation with the vinegar

CaCO3 + 2CH3COOH→ (CH3COOH)2Ca + CO2 + H2O

We can suppose that the bubble that floated on the surface is calcium acetate,

and the bubble around the eggs is carbon dioxide.

6. Comment

I was surprised that the sulfuric acid's reaction which I thought to be stronger than vinegar's,

and to be dangerous had ended soon.

In addition, I was surprised that the vinegar's reaction had been very quick.

I thought that if vinegar fell, it would be a catastrophe.(ska)

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