TOP > Let'sTRY!!

We have acted out the suitable scenes for each Kotowaza, and made it into a 4 scene manga.
There are also lots of other possible situations for every Kotowaza. Try to think of other ways in groups.

(Please click the Kotowaza below)

一石二鳥(Isseki nicho-)

井の中の蛙大海を知らず(Inonakano kawazu taikai wo shirazu)

勝って兜の緒を締めよ(Katte kabuto no o wo shimeyo)

きじも鳴かずば撃たれまい(Kiji mo nakazuba utaremai)

棚からぼたもち(Tana kara botamochi)

灯台下暗し(Toudai moto kurashi)

隣の芝は青い(Tonari no shiba wa aoi)

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