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Top Page>Report about ninja>Ninja training report

We practiced the ascetic practices method that I placed in this site. We placed a result and a report, an impression in this page.

It was the ascetic practices method to train running power to have tried this time. (We place it in ninja size all sorts of subject ②)
We had not been able to supply an “Obi”(narrow strip of cloth)of the length that was higher than a person and tried it by the method that added some arrangement to the ascetic practices method of the normal ninja this time.


We prepared a thick Obi and one thin Obi. Then I connected them and had one Obi (in neither around 120cm).
Therefore we ran with the following turns. It becomes difficult whenever you go below. (the degree of difficulty is an original index on having tried it)

① I wind a thick obi around my head, and hangs down a thin obi (make the length to drip a little short)⇒Degree of difficulty to run...★
② I wind a thick obi around my head, and hangs down a thin obi (make the length to drip longish) ⇒Degree of difficulty to run...★★
③We wind a thin obi around our head, and hangs down a thick obi (make the length to drip longish) ⇒Degree of difficulty to run...★★★★


① I wind a thick Obi around my head, and hangs down a thin Obi (make the length to drip a little short) ⇒Degree of difficulty to run...★

I was able to finish running it without arriving at the ground in margin.

② I wind a thick Obi around my head, and hangs down a thin Obi (make the length to drip longish) ⇒Degree of difficulty to run...★★

I was able to finish running it without barely arriving at the ground.

③We wind a thin Obi around our head, and hangs down a thick obi (make the length to drip longish) ⇒Degree of difficulty to run...★★★★

An obi has attacked first (cf. the second piece photograph) in the ground. But I was able to finish running it without arriving at the ground when I got on speed.

Kunoichi (!?) tried it, too. (she tested it by a method of ③)

The Obi arrives at the floor・・・.

Consideration & Impression

I changed a combination and the length of the Obi and tested it, but it became difficult so as to lengthen the Obi, and a result, to become difficult when I did a thick obi below was provided.
These ascetic practices method set one's aim and knew it was early, and how long oneself ran, I thought that it was very effective.
I wanted to practice these ascetic practices method from now on if there was an opportunity. (3rd grade C)


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