
ProjectE > English Index > Home Education > Communication

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For Kids

     There has been two types of communication. One is face-to-face communication. It involves not only meeting but also talking by telephon, chat...etc. It's trait is that we can get the answer soon, but we can't take it in deep consideration and we should share the same time together. The other is composition-to-composition communication. It involves not only mails, but fax, video letter...etc. It's trait is that we can't get the answer soon, but we can read or watch any time we are free, and we can think about it deeply. By these characteristics, we can say that former one is mainly used in private communication, and the latter one is mainly used in official communication. In order to prevent fruitless disputes, we accept the time-lag which might be more than a week, and wait for the answer. Some of composition-to-composition communications, though, are used to inform private message as a Japanese custom. It is called Nengajo, which is new year's greetings. It's origin is from Heian period (794-1192), and widely accustomed by Edo period(1603-1868). 
     Any way, in the future, technics will break down the barrier of communication, that is, we can easily express our feelings by new communication tools. Then we should polish up our own ideas. Thre are other aspect of future communication. As the urbanization expands, people become more and more lonely and need an easy communication. Greetings or some other communications are used to maintain communication. In future communication, more and more people will use new tools to communicate only for communication, that is to talk with others. As the Cyber world feels us ease to communicate, these communications will grow their weight. 
     It may be difficult to communicate between parent and their child, especially when children are in their puberty. It is important to express each other's feelings and the place to do this is needed. We propose that parents and their children should make web pages together. The only problem left is how. 
     Volunteers who teach people how to make web pages may be help. There is a result. Mariko Oka and her father, Toru Oka made web pages together with Takayuki Matsuo. Mariko and Toru made the contents. Takayuki assembled them into web page. As she is interested in the topic, v6, she positively made the page with her father. 
     Mariko said, "I felt that my page is growing fast. At first, I couldn't believe that I could make my page. My own page made it much easier to communicate with my mail friends." Mr Oka said, "The time I spent with my daughter increased. I was satisfied that I could concern with my daughter's education." 
     As the example shows, new era needs a new form of communication.

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