Synthetic Bullying
ProjectE > English Index > New Education > Bullying

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For Kids

     To justify is the essence of bullying. When the target was so called "bad person", to ignore him is justified by people around him. When it was ordered by strong person, it is justified to bully the target. Of course, all these things are selfish justification. But the reason why many people don't stop bullying is this.
     A man who neglect the bullying is the man who bullies. To think it to be no concern with him is to become hypocrite.
     There are connections between victims. Sometimes, anitipathy toward selfish person become bukllying. Of course some of them are on the unreasonable discrimination.
     To loose their life from bullying is because they don't have any friends, real friends. Without friend to rely on or to consult, victims are to die. 
     To distinguish bullying from playing is rather difficult. Professional wrestling game sometimes become violent to the point where we can't distinguish from bullying. If attacker think it to be play but victim think it to be bullying, it is bullying. If attacker think it to be bullying but victim think it to be play, it is bullying, too.
     Bullying tends to happen in May and June. Most of them have their own group. The conbination of group conflict and lack of human relation tend to tempt bullying. To make best friend is the best way to avoid bullying.
     Schools should teach to know the pain of others. Professor Akira Nakagawa proposed the system to make a system to inform the victim family of the bullying. It is good idea.
     We propose that there should be roll play in moral class. Think about the situation and argue. To think about others is to avoid bullying.

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