Questionnaire Consideration

Questionnaire survey for high school students

From question 1, we can see that approximately 1/3 of the respondents had worked part-time. About 3/4 of high school students said they were in favor of part-time work, mainly because of the following three reasons.

・social experience ・freedom to work as long as compulsory education is over ・a desire to be financially independent from one's parents

Most of the high school students answered negative to the question because they could not balance their studies. Furthermore, approximately 20% of the respondents said that they could not say either. Many said that there are advantages and disadvantages to working part-time, therefore the decision on whether or not to work part-time should be made depending on the circumstances of each individual.

In response to the question whether high school students think they can balance part-time work and study at the same time, more than half answered "Yes". Many of the reasons cited for this were that they were able to manage their own lives and there were people around them who are able to manage their own lives, and that schedule management was a part of their study. On the other hand, there were many who pointed out that students who must study prepaing for college or university entrance examination had no time to work part-time and that they were too busy balancing their studies and club activities.

The following are questions only for people who have worked part-time.

There were various answers regarding industry and period. Regarding the number of part-time job having done so far, most people answered one. As the number of experienced job increases, the number of people decreases. The maximum number of part-time job which one person experienced was 8. More than 95% of the respondents said that they had meaningful experiences through part-time jobs, and none of them think that their part-time job experience is meaningless.

The followings are the reasons why it was good to have a part-time job.

・Able to earn money
・Able to study about society
・Able to broden knowledge
・Able to learned how hard it is to work.

More than half of people have never regretted they worked a part-time job. The main reasons are good working environment, satisfaction with the treatment and being able to broden knowlede. On the other hand, nearly 40% have regretted because of some bad experiences. Unable to have enough time for study, an unpleasant experience with the customers and unplesant experiences with unkind bosses are among the reasons

These surveys show that scheduling is a major barrier to high school students working part-time. Students are supposed to study, so it will be important in the future to set up a schedule that allows them to work and study at the same time.

When it comes to working environment, people tend to imagine how they will be treated. In fact, for high school students who have to balance their studies and club activities, one of the important points to consider when working part-time is whether they are being treated well or not.

However, the survey revealed that the work environment affects not only employees but also the customer base. As you can see in the "The type of business (the longest)" section of this survey, most of the part-time jobs that high school students do are in the service industry and customers are the people most frequently contacted during working hours in the hospitality industry.

Consideration of Survey for Adults

From the results of Question 1, we can see that approximately 30% are older than current high school students and have ever had a part-time job in high school.

According to the results of Question 2, the most common reason for having a part-time job in high school was "gaining one's own income", followed by "wishing to gain social experience", "interest in the profession", and the least common reason was "family circumstances". Other answers included "helping at a family-run store". In Question 3, the reason of not working part-time when high school students was asked. The most common response was "because of school regulations" followed by "in order to concentrate on one's studies", followed closely by "To concentrate on extracurricular activities" and "because of family rules".

In Question 4, when asked what they would think if their child (high school student) said they wanted to start a part-time job, about 1/2 said yes, about 1/4 said no, and just over 20% said either. The reasons for answer in Question 4 were asked in Question 5. The main reasons for answering positive were

In order to study about society It will be a good opportunity to learn the importance of money. Wishing their kids to learn things they cannot learn in school.

And the reasons for answering negative are

Too early for high school students to work.
Wanting them to do things that they could do only during they are high school students.
While the reasons for answering either are
Depending on motivation to start a part-time job.
Depending on type and contents of the part-time job
Hoping to have a good discussion and be convinced.
Wishing to be compatible with studies.
Consideration of the results of two questionnaires

In both of the 2 surveys, approximately 30% of high school students had ever had a part-time job, so although the majority of high school students did not have a part-time job, a certain percentage of them did. On the other hand, the reason why there are not so many people who have worked part-time is because it is prohibited by school regulations and many students who prepare for entrance examination for collages or universities want to concentrate on their studies.

We found that many people were motivated to start a part-time job not only because they wanted to earn their own income, but also because they wanted the opportunity to gain social experience. While it is possible to work, there are still many high school students who have less responsibility than working adults, and they want to gain as much social experience as possible so that they can find employment in the future. If you want to make the most of your part-time job experience in the future, it might be effective to focus on the job you are interested in.

We also found that scheduling was a major barrier to working part-time. Students are supposed to study, so it will be important in the future to have a schedule that allows them to balance their studies, club activities and part-time jobs.

In the survey results, many of those who were against or unable to say whether their high school children would start a part-time job expressed a desire for compatibility with their studies and a preference for what they could do only during high school students. "In order to concentrate on one's studies" was also cited as the 2nd most common reason for not working part-time in high school.

In a survey of high school students, a little more than half answered that it was possible to combine part-time work and study, and quite a few answered that they could not or could not say either. The main reason why high school students themselves are opposed to part-time work is that they should prioritize their studies and that it is difficult to balance work and study. So whether you're a parent or a high school student, "compatibility with study" is a key factor in deciding whether to start a part-time job or not. Students who are thinking of taking university entrance examinations are likely to concentrate on their studies for the future.

Also, when it comes to working environment, people tend to imagine how they will be treated. In fact, for high school students who have to balance their studies and club activities, it is one of the points to be aware of when working part-time. Whether you are treated well or poorly should be judged by criteria such as "Whether or not it is possible to make shifts that take into account the circumstances unique to students" such as school events.

However, in terms of the work environment, I can see that not only the treatment and the employees around us but also the customers have a great deal to do with the joy and pain of work. As you can see in the "The type of business (the longest)" section of this survey, most of the part-time jobs that high school students do are in the service industry. Because customers are the ones whom part time students get involved with during working hours in the hospitality industry, when they feel stressed about serving customers, their motivation for part-time jobs decreases and they tend to think that part-time jobs are hard.

In addition, in summarizing the opinions of those who have actually experienced part-time work, 95% of them think that it is good to have a part-time job. Therefore, it is considered that doing a part-time job has a good effect in general. However, as the reason of regretting doing a part-time job, there were many factors such as the problem with the customer base mentioned above, which we cannot know until we start working in the workplace.

In other words, it is necessary to keep in mind that even if you start working after considering the compatibility with school work and club activities before starting a part-time job, it depending on the actual work environment whether you get satisfied or not.

In case you are treated unfairly, such as receiving inappropriate guidance or unpaid salaries by a manager or other superior, please remember that there are laws that guarantees the position of a worker that also applies to non-regular workers, such as part-time workers. With understanding the contents of each law, there is a high possibility that you will be able to consult with Labor Standard Inspection Office and will be supported in accordance with your case. Therefore, it is recommended that high school students acquire kowledge about labor relations in order to improve their working conditions.


There are a lot of things to consider about the part-time job of a high school student, such as balancing with the study which is the duty of a student and the examination study.

As far as working conditions are concerned, it would be better to choose a workplace that is flexible enough to accommodate students' schedules.

Especially in the service industry where high school students work part-time, customer service is essential, and involvement with customers often leads to a good or bad work environment.

Therefore, it should be accepted that these problems are difficult to grasp and prevent before they start working, and they do not always result in satisfactory results.

It is also possible to improve the treatment of non-regular workers such as part-time workers by learning in advance that there are laws to protect the position and rights of workers when they are treated unfairly. Understanding of the contents will be a help.