
Term set

Italian honeybees

A species of western bee native to Italy. More honey, less bees, gentle personality, but the disadvantage is afraid of illness. It is now the most cultivated species in the world.

Queen cell

The name of the room where the larvae that will become queen bees are bred. The bottom of the nest plate is made into a circle larger than the normal nest room.

Hypopharyngeal line 

The secretory glands in the head of a bee. Secretion of royal jelly, etc. The internal body of the house bee is particularly well developed.
Reference: Honeybee molecular social biology https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/kagakutoseibutsu1962/34/12/34_12_793/_pdf

Pollen cage

The part of the worker bee. It is called a "cage" because of the coarse hairs on the feet that collect pollen from the body and stick it there to take home.

 Pollen dumplings

Collected by worker bees, which are rolled into a ball, put into a pollen basket on the feet and transported to the hive.

Killer Bees (Africanized Bees)

A cross between an African bee and a South American bee. It lives in South America. African bees imported for research fled and became hybrids. They also mate with breeding bees, which have been domesticated in South American apiaries. As a result of bad temper, even appeared the phenomenon of killer death. In addition, the ability to divide bees is high. It also has a beekeeping feature, growing more propolis, and Brazil is the world's largest producer of propolis.


It means to pollinate within a flower. It’s includes rice plant and string beans.


(In flowering plants) Pollen drips to the end of the flower's stamen There are people who pollinate from one flower, and people who pollinate from other flowers.

Nest foundation

It's an artificial hive. Honeybees make their comb plate along these. It is said that the existence of nest foundations can improve the efficiency of beehives.

Comb plate

The center of the hive. A large number of beehives are made into boards. Honeybees are made vertically.

 Nest room

It refers to a hexagonal room built on a honeycomb panel. The diameter is about 4cm ~ 5.5cm. It varies from species to species.

 Nest honey

Beehives are edible. If you put a wooden frame in the hive, the bees build a nest room in the frame to store the honey. If you do not go to the honey store, it is rare to see the precious goods.

 Western bee

Native to Europe and Africa. It's the most used species in beekeeping in the world. Rosian and Italian bees is a species of natural westen bees.

Cross pollination

It means pollination with pollen from other flowers next to them. Many flowers do this. Flowers that pollinate include wind mediums that carry pollen in the wind and insect mediums that carry pollen from insects.

Japan's bee  

The Japanese bee is a subspecies of the easten bee that lives in Japan. Smaller than a western bee. The amount of honey collected is less than that of western bees, and because there are so many dislocations and escapes, very few are cultivated as enterprises. But the combination of disease resistance and mildness, as well as the impact of the recent beekeeping boom, has led to an increase in the number of interested breeders. The amount of honey extracted from the hives is small but is said to be very strong.


The name given to the substance that western bees apply to their hives to strengthen and fight bacteria. They are sold as health food because they kill bacteria. Production is booming in Brazil. Japanese bees, by the way, do not produce propolis.


It means that the queen bee leaves its nest with the worker bee before a new queen comes. The bees hanging from branches and wait while worker bee looking for a new house.


The general name of any of several honeybees of the Bumblebee. The body is slightly larger than a bee. Like bees, underground colonies are built around the queen, but not on the scale of bees. In the spring, a queen wakes from hibernation to build an ant colony from scratch. The worker bees are all female and do not produce male bees except during the autumn mating period. In winter, the queen bee hibernates and otherwise dies. Because it can operate at lower temperatures than bees, it is used for pollen mating during cold periods when bees are unable to function.

Honey source

It is a place where honeybees collect nectar and pollen from flowers. Honeybees imform this information to their pride by dance.

Honey bread  

A mixture of pollen and honey. The components of pollen are broken down by enzymes in the honey, making it easy to absorb nutrients. Both larvae and adults eat this for protein.


Beeswax is made by melting and refining honeycomb panels. The honeycomb board is made of wax that the bee takes out of its stomach. Bee wax is also used to cover the nests of larvae before they become pupae.

 Wax gland

Wax from the stomach of a bee.

 Royal jelly

It is the queen's food. The larvae eat royal jelly up to three days after birth, but only the queen bees continue to eat royal jelly. It is said that the queen bee's long life is influenced by royal jelly, which is also sold as a health food.


A species of western bees native to Russia. The amount of honey collected is not as much as the Italian bee, the personality is not too gentle, the bees suddenly appear, not easy to deal with, but have the characteristics of resistance to disease.



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堀江武『図解でよくわかる 農業の基本』 誠文堂新光社、2015年

渡辺孝『ミツバチの文化史』 筑摩書房、1994年

越中矢住子『ミツバチは本当に消えたか』 SoftBank Creative、2010年

フォーガスチャドウィック, スティーブオールトン, エマ・サラテナント, ビルフィツモーリス, ジュディー アール 
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一般社団法人 日本養蜂協会 ホームページhttp://www.beekeeping.or.jp/

LIFULL HOME'S ホームページ  https://www.homes.co.jp/cont/town/town_00128/

銀座ミツバチプロジェクト ホームページ  http://www.gin-pachi.jp/owner

ウィキペディア 蜂群崩壊症候群  https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E8%9C%82%E7%BE%A4%E5%B4%A9%E5%A3%8A%E7%97%87%E5%80%99%E7%BE%A4

全国ローヤルゼリー公正取引協議会 ホームページ  http://www.rjkoutori.or.jp/knowledge/page/page_02.html

ミツバチの分子社会生物学  https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/kagakutoseibutsu1962/34/12/34_12_793/_pdf

ミツバチの失踪とネオニコチノイド系農薬の関係 山田敏郎、日本奥山学会誌 2 (1), 16-32, 2014 https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Toshiro_yamada2

有機農業ニュースクリップ http://organic-newsclip.info/nouyaku/regulation-neonico-table.html