Beekeeping of the World

North America

 In the U.S. there were no honey bees at all. Beekeeping in the U.S. was first introduce with one when Europes immigrated.
The number of honeybees which raised primarily for varroa destructors in the state of Pennsylvania decreased by a third in 1995, so it had a lot of mites and diseases. In 2007, we suffered a dramatic decline in the number of honeybees due to CCD

In addition, there seems to be a greater proportion of honeybees used due to pollen gradient in America than in Japan. It was California’s almond farm which account for more than 80% share all over the world that started to use a lot of honeybees are used for the purpose of a pollen gradient.
Mobile beekeeping, which moves the hive as the flowers bloom, is very popular.

South America

Other honeybees in the19950s, some honeybees researchers brought in from Africa, so a hybrids of Africa and European bees were born. They were violent-tempered and called “Killer bee”. Actually, they kill people every year.

『 In fact, without an increase in the varroa destructor, eliminating Small Hive Beetle, feed on self- sufficiency and make honey like a mountain, breeding widely, subscribe involved or not, There were some honeybees such as it raised healthy, at that queen bee emerged earlier than that of Italy bee, rival stabbed both genes, and ruled the hive quickly. 』 (p282 Rowan Jacobsen2009)

Also, as they live in the tropics, they build nests everywhere to keep up with rain, without saving honey for the winter, there is a habit of having four or five bees a year in. So they can reproduce nests very quickly.
The bees that are raised in South America are also Africanized bees.

In contrast a violent mood, Africanized bees have great characteristics that are more resistant to disease and to mites. They also has a feature of creating lots of propolis. They use of it, and the output of Brazilian propolis is the largest in the world. Now, Japan imports a lot of Argentinian honey.



 China, not only has a vast land but also produces a lot of honey, which ranks first in the world. In addition, 76.9% of the honey imported to Japan are from China. But, unfortunately, safety concerns, such as pesticide residue, remain to be done.


In Europe, beekeeping has been taking place for a long time. In the Middle ages, beekeeping was a ritual. A lot of technologies are behind modern beekeeping were established in Europe.
Today, the output of honey in Germany and Romania is increasing in force.

In German, the view honey that passed honey pure a honey quality method features an strict laws tastes good. On the other hand, there was no small damage of pesticides disease and the damage of CCD was not few as know as the United States.

In French, a law was enacted to ban the use of neonicotinoid pesticides that kill bees prior to the other countries. The European Union has also decided to stop using a few neonics insecticides
But deregulation of neonicotinoid pesticides was carried out in Japan. (

Rowan Jacobsen 『蜂はなぜ大量死したのか(原題 Fruitless Fall)』 文芸春秋、2009年
越中矢住子『ミツバチは本当に消えたか』 SoftBank Creative、2010年
久志冨士男 『ニホンミツバチが日本の農業を救う』 高文研、2009年
一般社団法人 日本養蜂協会 ホームページ
ウィキペディア 蜂群崩壊症候群