Dear Nihongo de Smile
Kanagawa Prefecture, Yokohama city, Minami ward
What got you interested in Japanese learning guidance?

In an elementary school near the Minami lounge where our association is active, seventy percent of the students are international students, and are requiring a Japanese guidance. Consequently, the Activity Center of Inhabitant of Minami Ward which the Regional Development Division of Minami ward Office holds held Foreign Student Support Workshop, and the participants established our association.

What kind of Japanese guidance is there for children?

We are implementing Japanese and learning classes for children who don't have Japanese as their first language.

PM1:30-PM2:30 (Sun)

Do you get any consultation from guardians about children’s education? If so, what kind of concerns do you receive to be exact?

We do get some consultation about future courses from junior high school students. In this instance, we offer some information at first, but basically we have the person themselves, guardians and school related people talk through. The consultations related to school life are not done so frequently. Anyhow, we are situated in an environment in which the number of Japanese students are minor. If there are any concerns about school or family issues, we’d connect to the Lounge which is the activity center of our association.

Do you get any support requests from school and local governments?

Most of the students who come to join this association are from online reviews, but there are also some cases of the school consulting with the lounge, then the lounge introducing them to this association. There has never been a direct request for support from the local government, but since the facilities for activities of this association are under control of the Minami Ward Office, activities of this association (or other organizations) themselves may be meeting the needs of the local government in some aspects.

Are you cooperating/having connection with the school?

We have once visited the Japanese language support class held by the Board of Education. Teachers rarely come to visit us from school. I think it would be kind of boring if we cooperate too much with the school because it could lead this association to be like an extension of the school. Not only that, since our activities are on Sundays, the teachers won’t be able to take some breaks.
