CSS learning

First we introduce what is industrial design.
As its name indicates, it is a design for industrial goods.
Basically we call the design to make goods look more beautifully and make them more user-friendly an industrial design.
When we go shopping, for example, when we go to buy cell-phone, we look at designs and choose the design we like.
That is the industrial design.
It is called product design also.
There is another word called universal design.
This is different from industrial design.
Universal design is the design to make goods or anything more user-friendly for all people.
It means the design for people to feel good.
Everything we see everyday is designed by somebody.
If the industrial design doesn’t exist, the value of goods will go down and there will be no competition.
So, industrial design is absolutely necessary in our lives.
We explained about industrial design briefly.
On the next page, we introduce the history of industrial design.
If you get interested in it after reading our homepage, we are so pleased!

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