-Approach to Itokawa-
November 12, 2005
「Landing to Itokawa was tried. 」
「Oh! It is a feeling at last! But how does it land?」 |
「IIt is a good question. It makes a landing with a target marker.」 |
Target marker(c)JAXA
「Target marker?」 |
「Yes,By installing a target marker in the surface of planet Itokawa, Hayabusa can land on Itokawa correctly! 」 |
Landing success(c)JAXA
Although the target marker has landed safely ...
「It is great!」 |
「However, communication has broken off suddenly before a falcon made a landing to Itokawa.
The instrument of the falcon is broken when I guess heat of 180 degrees of the sun right for a long time…
However, researchers believed the communication of the HAYABUSA…」
「Communication recovery, the mission of the Hayabusa! ? Landing failure!The falcon not having made a landing to Itokawa… The device for sample collection does not start, too….
「Thank you very much.」
「However, the truth that it was wrong made a landing!
The landing to the earth and the heavenly bodies except the month visited to the world for the first time, and it achieved a great achievement.
However, I still become the cause that I cannot understand why a landing signal was not sent. 」
「It is nice miscalculation.」
「However, the device of the sample collection did not work. However, researchers ran in hope that a cloud of dust when I made a landing attached to the main body of HAYABUSA.
And the Hayabusa walking a long way to the earth…」