ーThe way to the earthー

The earth which a HAYABUSA photographed(c)JAXA

Hayabusa which took off from Itokawa and aimed at the return to the earth.
The HAYABUSA faces a new problem.

「Hayabusa has carried out the 2nd fuel leak. The command of the fuel valve to Hayabusa had not worked at the time of landing to Itokawa.」
「And I announce, "I extend a return plan to the earth for three years and do it in June, 2010".
It had a big influence on a project.
What have gone to be wherever of the space where I could not communicate,and the Hayabusa was wide with the earth,
or to pass well because I controlled the posture of the Hayabusa with fuel. .

「Can it not return?」
「They did not give it up.
They continued sending a signal to a Hayabusa and the large space.
A feeble signal is received 46 days later by a Hayabusa!
The position of the Hayabusa became clear.
This was near to a miracle.」
「The luck took sides with it, too.」
「And an ion engine became out of condition, and, until 2009 three years later, an accident occurred, but was expected.
However, in October, 2009, a problem happens.
All the ion rockets freezing up, and having stopped.

「Does it not move anymore?」
「That's right, it is already another seven months until the earth return…
The Hayabusa having come to have nothing to do by the return in front.」
「It is good-bye now. Thank you, Hayabusa .」
「Moreover, researchers will be struck with the last way.
Since Hayabusa was also an engineering test prototype, various virtual devices were attached. 」
「Virtual device? What do you mean?」
「Theoretically starts, but since I never actually doing,
Nikki the ones that do not know what can be operated.」
「Dear me, What kind of thing was it?」

「Ion engine is set × 4 (A, B, C, D) neutralizing the slider unit and
Nikki can have.
A device for the ion engine and neutralization A
By combining the ion engine slider B for B,
I got the power.
You Nikki was called Operation Cross.」

And Hayabusa achieves the return to the earth at last.
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