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How to save the energy a refrigerator?

○Don’t get the fridge packed. Reduced the half amount pf items from fully packed.
 Annual energy saving amount: 42.84kwh / Crude oil savings:11.05L / CO₂ reduction:15.3kg
→about 960yen per year saving.

○Shorten the time while you open the refrigerator.(When you open the fridge, changed
to 10 seconds from 20 seconds.)

 Annual energy saving amount: 6.10kwh / Crude oil savings: 1.54L / CO₂ reduction:2.1kg
→ Saving of about 130 yen per year.

○Let's try to "medium" from "strong" the set temperature of the refrigerator.
 Annual energy saving amount: 61.72kwh / Crude oil savings: 15.55L / CO₂ reduction:21.6kg
→about 1360 yen per year saving.


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