


When carrying out study about a theme, they are the books and the web page list to which I was allowed to refer.

【The author's name 】文化庁
【The name of a site 】「文化庁|著作権」
【URL of a site 】
【The date referred to 】September 20, 2013

【The author's name 】takurou hasimoto/syou yokomizo/mikaho katou/youitirou umemura/tomoko nanbu
【The title of books 】図解入門ビジネス最新著作権の基本と仕組みがよ〜くわかる本[第2版]
【Publication date 】September 20, 2012
【Publishing company name 】株式会社 秀和システム

【The author's name 】momoko okuda
【The title of books 】なるほど図解著作権法のしくみ第2版
【Publication date 】September 10, 2012
【Publishing company name 】(株)中央経済社

【The author's name 】sigehiko kanei/hideo ogura
【The title of books 】著作権法コンメンタール[上巻]
【Publication date 】March 31, 2003
【Publishing company name 】東京布井出版株式会社

【The author's name 】katunori hata
【The title of books 】図解これだけ覚える著作権入門
【Publication date 】July 1, 2009
【Publishing company name 】成美堂出版

【The author's name 】kiiti tomida
【The title of books 】事件で学ぶ著作権
【Publication date 】March 20, 2011
【Publishing company name 】株式会社太田出版

The picture, all Illustration texts, etc. which are used except for the banner advertising at this WEB site are original content.

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