TOP / Read about habit / Gesture 2


 For women, people with a habit of touching the hair are many.However, the meaning of the habit and how to touch the hair is not restricted.It's like first, it is the act of touching the hair when boring.Acts spare split ends or act of removing the split ends is also relevant to this.Either way, it is because something seems to appeal and not concentrated, it is not recommended is good.
 Sometimes we touch the hair to mind the line of sight of the opposite sex to the other.Since there is a tendency that the gesture opposite sex touch the hair is preferred, it is that there is that it would act carelessly.People are touched in the sense of this place may be said that it is the narcissist type.


 It is said rest one's cheeks is, and come out as the habit of a person daily life are not met.It is one of the act of frustration and anxiety of mind is running as a self-close action.
 rest one's cheeks is one of the rude, I may be said that it is the habit of giving too much bad influence around too much.However, a person that the rest one's cheeks, there seems to be a disadvantage body is distorted, such as alignment of teeth is worse.


 It is a habit out when you want to show strongly than their opponent.It is like a sign of when or defensive, and become aggressive.Have you ever become a hot topic in that it has a bow Prime Minister of Japan has still hit your hand on your hip, but it would have been defensive.However, this act has been condemned by the people.And to talk by applying your hand on your hip when or to talk to older people, to apologize, should I quit a good misunderstanding because born.


 Human gesture is large, be said that it is habit to many people that want to attract attention.I hope that the emotional ups and downs is large peer would tuned.So, also that if you or hit and back-channel feedback, tone is better.
 The speech of the presidential candidate of the United States, because it must be attracted to the story the more if politicians of unknown name, sometimes gestures are teaching under the guidance of a director.Then, becomes habit by performing repeated speech, I will be able to talk to attract naturally.


 There is data that 62% in the 25-34 year-old boys are by far the beard on a daily basis.There seems to be reason for shaving that I hate, but it becomes a habit because of the pain.As was the habit of removing the nose hair also Soseki Natsume, people feel pleasure and to align the long beard more than expected ahead of the pain in many cases.
 Because it is not a behavior to be in front of people, not letting the unpleasant feelings in people.However, the act to say pull the beard, health risks because lurking lot, there seems to be a care needs to be taken.

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