TOP / How to fix a habit / Speech

 When you or are nervous or a anxiety, people will be a "self-contact". In other words, I have a habit that would touch anywhere on their own. Then It is a thing that there is no confidence in the other party will be Barre, and such as are appealing themselves to the interpersonal vessel is small. When you talk to people, being aware of it not to be "self-contact" is important because it is. It all means if it becomes want to "self-contact", to touch without moving the inconspicuous place is required.
[Break a habit to speak while touching any part of the body of his]


 It is said that most of the Japanese small voice. Among the Japanese, I will talk in a low voice even when there is no confidence. To say that Stated differently, to be able to talk in a loud voice firm, is that there is confidence. This, too, instead of speaking in a loud voice with confidence, who himself sprout and speaks in a loud voice I comfortable. And what you have to speak loudly and repeatedly consciousness, speak in a loud voice Please do become a habit.
[Break a habit to speak softly when there is no confidence]


 There is a habit in speech. And, way of talking that you want to tell is not transmitted I have been produced by habit. It might be a typical Japanese, but it is a habit, described last conclusion. Introduction is longer, put the case in various ways to reach to a conclusion. I do not know well what you want to say in this. So, let's make a habit of putting the story from the conclusion. By doing so, you will be transferred to the person what you want to say. This is the talk of the world standard.
[I habit to bring to a conclusion last]


 Cause conversation is boring There are several possible, but if you talk like a sutra speaking extreme there is no intonation, it will no longer interesting in any conversation. To speak the contents of the story attractive is also important, but this can not be solved by habit, when you talk about it with the up-down, it can become an interesting story. However, since it is not something that can be easily, it's try to start, please try to speak with an emphasis upon positive word. Habit to have a good conversation if worn, life also has changed.
[I habit of speech uninteresting]



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