Q26.What is three major SNS?

A.Three major SNSFacebookLINEIt is Twitter.1,230 million number of the world users, use in the real name of 21 million number of the users in Japan can set a contribution range freely in all-around model SNS of the premise, and Facebook can set a profile in detail.It is The Social Network service used by not only the communication tool between friends but also business and the job hunting.For a big merit

・Because it is a real name registration system, it is easy to find a friend

・Setting of the security is substantial

・The function such as a group or the event is substantial

・Facebook page plays a role to bind a company and consumers together

・While even small amount can put an advertisement on Facebook; the demerit

・I am at risk of the personal data leak

・I am at risk of the spoofing attack

・The vicious application (spam) not a little exists

・It sounds great. を LINE which offends you when do not push it world number of the users 370 million, the smartphone (is iPhone and Android), gallaKay (feature phone), the communication application corresponding to the PC.) of 50 million number of the users in JapanThe characteristicI can expect an early reaction if I send a message with the smartphone which can talk by a letter and a sound when I become the thing "friend" who can easily register only with the phone number of the cell-phone

・Talking functionIt is the function that is the most popular in LINE.There is what's called stamp other than a letter and a decorated letter and is useful with the smartphone which troublesome input is necessary for because I can send the image which an expression is richer in than a decorated letter in one-button.In addition, I can share various things with a friend and am convenient at all because I can send an image and the animation.The people who I turn into an email, and exchange the talking functions of the line increase rapidly now.

・FreefoneEven if only anything talks about lines, free can talk, but the packet charges are what I suffer from, and a call is a mendicant in package free や wi-fi.

・Group functionA talking function and the freefone that I introduced some time ago are usable in a group.For example, the information sharing in participation members is possible if I establish a talking room as network only for the same club activities.It is not necessary to send it to all the members unlike an email and makes various groups in the active one which can communicate and enjoys it.Twitter is the service that is convenient when I want to spread 240 million number of the world users, information that I contributed of the number of the users secrecy in Japan. 1 tweet is less than 140 characters.Because a great deal of information plays, I am suitable to know "what happens now".

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