Top > Game > How to play

” How to play

How can we start the game ?h

git is very easy. please click the start buttonh

gand then , the game will start. The way to play is also simple.
Please click on the windows of the game after you finish reading the sentenceh

git is very easy , isnft it?h

gwhat are the eƒƒOf and eskipf and eƒVƒFƒAf?@h

First ,please clike fƒƒOfbutton when you want to read back the sentence.
Then the last sentence will be displayed.h

gand If you want to go back to some sentence ,please adjust by click this buttonh

gI see.h
gnext ,please click eskipfbutton when you want to skip the sentence.
And please click in the window of the game when you want to stop skippingh

gand about eƒVƒFƒAfbutton ,please ignore because this have nothing to do with the gamesh
gum... I understandh

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