
11月17日 Site Open
11月14日 Design Test


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About this Site
 Here, you can learn about Japanese Food, otherwise known as Nihon-shoku.

 In the "Learn" page, you can learn about the definition, history, and dishes of Japanese Food.
 In the "Think" page, you can read our opinions about Japanese Food as well as what the Japanese government is doing to promote this culture overseas.


Why we chose this Topic
 Now, the world is paying attention to Japan.

               Determines the Olympics, people who show an interest in Japanese culture from abroad is increasing year by year. Is famous among them is a "Japanese culture". In various places, Japanese food boom occurs, interest in Japanese culture is growing rapidly. In addition, Japanese culture, has been registered in the UNESCO intangible cultural heritage in 2013, efforts to outgoing its appeal to the world is becoming more and more necessary.

               In this web site, and learn about Japanese culture, it is possible to experience the charm of Japanese food. From the introduction of Japanese regional cuisine around, until the description of ingredients that trace the history of hundreds of years, comprehensively examine the Japanese culture, it is to introduce the features and charm of Japanese food. In addition, the present invention is not limited to Japan of Japanese food, and are turning to Japanese food boom to be deployed in various locations overseas. And Japanese being accepted abroad, and by comparing the Japanese in Japan each other, and are exploring the Japanese food from various viewpoints.

               We think that there is a mission to inherit this Japanese culture with a long history to the next era. Its also in order, first learn is our own about the Japanese culture, it is necessary to explore its features and charm.

Supported Browsers
 It works on all, Chrome, Safari, Internet Explorer, Opera.

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