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If people do not go into the tiger’s cave, they will not ear a tiger’s kit.

Tiger’s kit is something people want, not something to be afraid of.

If you are not sure if it is your fault or not, don’t bother to apologize. If people do not go into the tiger’s cave, they will not ear a tiger’s kit, you should wait a while and see how things turn out.
Even if you think you are poor at it, you won’t know unless you try. If people do not go into the tiger’s cave, they will not ear a tiger’s kit.

White hakama(Japanese skirt) at the dyer

It may sound like the white hakama is the best clothing at a tailor, but Konya actually refers to a dyer.

To add to his fashionableness, he is wearing his best clothing. It is like white hakama(Japanese skirt) at the dyer
His family runs a boutique, but he is wearing a worn-out T-shirt. It is like white hakama(Japanese skirt) at the dyer

Sparrows do not forget how to dance until the age of 100

It is never used positively.

She has not taken piano lessons in a while, yet she still plays really well. Sparrows do not forget how to dance until the age of 100.
He has been very forgetful since he was in elementary school. Sparrows do not forget how to dance until the age of 100

A ship climbing a mountain with too many captains

It does not mean that things will work out in the end even if there were many people who are poor in the genre. Actually, it means that things will go the wrong way.

This team only has people who are smart, but poor at sports, yet, I think this team can win. A ship climbing a mountain with too many captains
This team only has people who are smart, but poor at sports. So they has strategies too detailed they cannot even carry out. A ship climbing a mountain with too many captains

Lantern on the moonlight night

Lantern at the night sounds useful, but the moonlight night is bright enough, so lantern represents something not useful.

A friend gave me the answer to this problem, but I was worried that this word might be wrong. I am glad I could borrow the dictionary. It is like lantern on the moonlight night
You don’t need a dictionary when there is a computer in front of you. It is like lantern on a moonlight night.

A nail that sticks out gets hit down

It is not the ones who perform poorly that gets hit, but the ones who do well.

He is getting so many bad marks on his tests. The teacher would be furious and might give him detention. A nail that sticks out gets hit down.
She is really pretty, so other girls bully her. A nail that sticks out gets hit down.

The grass is always greener(more blue)on the other side of the fence

Blue sounds negative, but it is actually when one is envious of something.

My score is bad, but comparing to him, it is better. The grass is always greener(more blue)on the other side of the fence.
She bought the thing I could not get since it was sold out. The grass is always greener(more blue)on the other side of the fence.

Catch the theif and weave the rope

Nau(weave) means to make the rope, no to tie the rope.

I finally caught the thief. Catch the theif and weave the rope. I’m bringing him over
You just realised that we have a test tomorrow? Catch the theif and weave the rope. It is too late.

A horse from a gourd

It is not something that cannot be done, but something that was thought to be impossible but happened.

It is a horse from a gourd to study only tonight abd get full mark on the test. It is impossible.
He got full mark on his test though he only studied last night. It is a horse from a gourd.

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