
HOME>Tour to learn>Future forecast map>The growing social security expenses
■■How much thing will the social security budget that we will bear in the
future be? |

From the present to 2060, the numbers of the child decreased and just explained
that the numbers of the elderly person increased last time. It is a social security system that a problem comes out by this.

When the nation is hurt, and life became unstable by a disease, unemployment,
the social security is a system to be made up mainly of a country, and
to guarantee healthy, reliable life.(the first Advisory Council on Social
Security <social security future image Committee report)>(1993 (5, Heisei)
years)) |
However, it is that the social security system comes to a deadlock now.
Please watch a lower graph.With aging progress, the welfare benefit costs
increase year by year, and it is anticipated that the budgets of 2010 exceed
approximately 110 trillion yen.
【Changes in social security benefits】 |
Source: "Trends in social security benefits expenses" (Ministry
of Health, Labour and Welfare)
Why do welfare benefit costs increase so much?Because aging worsens as
for it, and a person lived long by the development of the stomach and intestines
technology again, elderly people increase, and this is because social security
expenses such as many pensions and medical care, the care are necessary.
Here, let's consider in conjunction with the population problem again.

【Age Segment future population projections】 |
Source: 2013 edition aging society White Paper (2) "the total population
fall below 9,6000 million people" Japan after 50 years to see in the
future estimated population (Cabinet Office) (http://www8.cao.go.jp/kourei
created by processing the /whitepaper/w-2013/zenbun/s1_1_1_02.html)
According to the upper graph, it is estimated that in this situation the
birth rate in Japan continues decreasing steadily until 2060.Though elderly people continue increasing, the children continue decreasing
by declining birthrate. Thus, few workers will support many old person.
Source: "About the Social Security tax integral reform", ""
to piggyback-type "society" (Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare)
Social "the shoulders type" that it must support with 1.2 in 2050 to have supported elderly
person alone in 9.1 people in 1965 if declining birthrate and aging continue
as it is.
Why it has become in such a situation?
It is because the social security system in Japan is a system on the assumption
"that the child continues to grow much" has been designed. This
is called "pay-as-you-go system", such as pensions and long-term
care insurance has been the management on the basis of this system.
Therefore, in the current situation where declining birthrate and aging
population, I pension also long-term care insurance is becoming more and
more operational difficulties. |
This situation must be improved quickly! There is a limit even to pay in
debt.Some debt now, we're going to be left to the future of you guys ....
I wonder if there is no any good way ... .. |
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