In fact, we use palm oil for many products. For example, food such as margarine, bread, cooking oil of fast food, chocolate, snack food, frozen food, cup noodles and ice cream, detergent, paint, candle, ink, shampoo and soap. ABOUT PALM OIL

About Palm oil

Let's learn what palm oil is!!

What is palm oil?
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 What is palm oil?

"First of all, what kind of oil is palm oil?"
"So let’s zoom in what palm oil is!"           

Palm oil is a vegetable oil got from the fruits or seeds of oil palm which originally come from Africa.
In Central and South America, they have eaten the fruits since the 15th century!
An oil palm tree finally grows 25meters high,
and bears fruit bunches (They weighs about 40kg). The size of each fruit is the same as a quail egg.

In fact, we use palm oil for many products.
For example, food such as margarine, bread, cooking oil of fast food, chocolate,
snack food, frozen food, cup noodles and ice cream, detergent, paint, candle, ink, shampoo and soap.
"I didn't know that all of these things are made from palm oil!"

"Why do we use palm oil for a lot of food?"

"Because we make use of its two properties."


1. the nature of solid palm oil:
    It becomes smooth at high temperature
→used for
chocolate, margarine, and so on.

2. the nature of liquid palm oil:
    It’s difficult to oxidize
→ use for processed foods which have long expiration date.
    For example, instant noodles, snack food, frozen deep-fried food, and so on.


"I understand why palm oil is used for many products!"


By the way, there are two kinds of palm tree. Coconut palm is different from oil palm.


From left, the fruit of oil palm, fruit bunch, palm oil trees.

"Go to the next page and let’s learn about the production of palm oil! "




“Where is palm oil made?”

“Southeast Asia countries like Malaysia,
Indonesia and Thailand mainly produce the oil!”

(Red colored area of this map!)

Oil palms need 1500~2000mm of rain per year,
and more than 5 hours of sunshine a day.
They can grow the palms well in hot and humid climate.

(Graph created based on WWF JAPAN PDF『 持続可能なパーム油の調達とRSPO』

“Palm oil is produced the most of all the vegetable oils!”

"Palm oil is not only useful but also has the highest harvest of vegetable oil. "
The maximum production of palm oil is 4t per hectare.

(rice oil:0.084/ha, rape seed oil : 0.59/ha,soy oil : 0.36t/ha,)

“In addition, we can harvest 10~12 times per year.
Because of the high harvest, the price of palm oil is lower than that of other oils.”

↑Amount of vegetable oil you can get from 1ha farm.
  Palm oil can be harvested a lot compared to others.
(Graph created based on : ボルネオ保全トラスト・ジャパン

Increasing production of palm oil

 Because the cost of production also low,
the demand is increasing from 1990.
Now palm oil is top of vegetable oil after overcoming soy oil. 
The more  population increases and income of Asia raise,
the more demand of palm oil will increase.

"It is growing every year!!"
"It's a result of factors such as its low cost, 
popularity, and large amount that can be harvested!!" 

(Graph created based on:WWF JAPAN PDF『持続可能なパーム油の調達とRSPO』



Palm oil is the vegetable oil,
which is consumed the most in the world at present.
In this page, let’s zoom in the consumption 
of palm oil!

"About what amount of palm oil do we use?"
"Japanese consume about 4kg a person in one year.
It’s the same as the palm oil got from about 10 square meters of land."

"Really?! I didn’t know we eat such a lot of palm oil!"

(Including the amount of palm oil contained in imported food,
a numerical value increases more.)

"You may not realize that we consume palm oil so much,
because it hides in a lot of products. However, we use so plenty of palm oil before we realize it!"

In the world, how much do we consume…?

(Graph created based on:WWF JAPAN PDF『持続可能なパーム油の調達とRSPO』 )

Expected consumption

The demand of palm oil is increasing rapidly since 1990s.
Because of the growth of population and development of each country,
we can expect the increase of demand.
The consumption in 2011 was about 50million tons but in 2050,
it will be about 77million tons.

"It’ll terribly increase!!"


(Graph created based on :WWF JAPAN PDF『持続可能なパーム油の調達とRSPO』

"Palm oil is handy so used all around the world."

"Wait a moment! Aren’t there any problems…?"

Next, let’s zoom in the problems caused by our consumption of palm oil!   




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