The Road to becoming a Ore Mineral Master

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Field work: Collecting samples of Pyrite
*Beware of volume

Our group went on a field tour to a remain of a mine located in Hatanoshi Shibusawa in Kanagawa prefecture. In this mine, we were able to collect some sample ores of pyrite which are used in making crystal radios.

(Date: December 26, 2015)

  • ClothingFLong-sleeve shirt, Quick-drying pants, Rubber boots or sneakers

  • EquipmentFBackpack, Sledge hammer, Colander, Shovel, Plastic bag, Plastic bowl, Camera

  • Directions
    1. Get on the bus from Odakyu Odawara Shibusawa Station to Tougei bus station.
    2. Get off the bus at the last stop.
    3. Head straight south from the bus stop. (Go to the opposite direction of Jyousennkai Yamabato Gakuenn)
    4. When you hit a branching point of the road head left.
    5. When you reach a gravel road turn right and left after walking 10 meters.
    6. Walk straight heading into the mountains.
    7. On the way, there is a river and there is no bridge so cross it where it is possible.
    8. After crossing the river, walk along the bank of the river until you reacha sign explaining about the remains of the mine.
    9. Destination reached.

The remains of the mine are located a little off the river, but by searching around the bank of the river, you will find a 2 meter sized rock. By examining the rock, you will find small octahedron sparkles. By hitting these sparkles with your sledge hammer it will spark and omit a sulfurous odour. From these facts we determined that these sparkles were pyrite.
Pyrite lodged in a boulder (December 26, 2015) Pyrite embedded in fragments of boulders (December 26, 2015)

HItting pyrite makes sparks(December 26,2015j



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