A term that refers to the movement of a fault or the shaking that results from it.
Early Earthquake Early Warning
The Earthquake Early Warning predicts the size and the epicenter of an earthquake by capturing P waves when an earthquake occurs,
A system that announces a few seconds to a few tens of seconds before a big shake (S wave) comes.
A device that observes and records earthquake shakes.
Seismic intensity
An indicator that indicates the magnitude of earthquake shaking. There are ten steps in all.
A value indicating the magnitude of the earthquake.
Secondary disaster
A disaster that is caused by the occurrence of an earthquake. The main secondary disasters are fire, tsunami and liquefaction.
Tokyo Metropolitan Earthquake
A major earthquake of the direct type that is believed to occur in southern Kanto and three prefectures.
Nankai Trough
A very large ditch located on the seabed south of Shikoku.
Nankai Trough Large Earthquake
A large earthquake that is believed to occur in the Nankai Trough.
False rumor
False information that is deliberately streamed.
To restore something broken or damaged to its original condition.
A word that means that what has fallen once is to regain momentum again.