This page was updated on January 6, 2017. Please note that the content may not be up-to-date.

National Feeling


History of Russia relations


Japan-Soviet Joint Declaration
The official name is called "Joint Declaration between Japan and the Soviet Socialist Republic" and has restored the relationship between Japan and the Soviet Union.
Regarding the territorial dispute , it was supposed to hand over the Habomai Archipelago and Shikotan Jima to Japan after concluding a peace treaty.
(For details, it is opened on the page of the Northern Territories dispute. )

Japanese-Soviet joint statement
The Japanese-Soviet joint statement announced that it will make further efforts to improve relations between the two countries.

Japan-Soviet provisional fisheries agreement
It is formally called "an agreement between the Government of Japan on the fishery in 1977 and the Federal Government of the Soviet Socialist Republic in the waters of the Soviet Socialist Republic of the Northwest Pacific". It is set up so that the fishing boat of its own country can operate in the other country's 200-nautical mile fishing exclusion zones within.

National feelings of both countries

According to ロシアにおける対日世論調査 (結果) announced by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, about 80% of Russian citizens who answered said that they are friendship relations with Japan or, if anything, friendship relations. In addition, 90% of the Russian citizens who responded that the relationship between Japan and Russia is important or rather rather important is answered. However, when the Cabinet Office conducted public opinion polls in Japan (内閣府-外交に関する世論調査), about 70% of respondents said that they think that they are not good.

I think that there are many people who think that Japan has a bad relationship with Russia, because the Northern Territories dispute is not very advanced.

Good side

However, since Russia has less influence from World War II than China and South Korea, anti-Japanese sentiment is also less than China and South Korea. In addition, since many Japanese companies are currently participating in Russia's economic cooperation, it can be said that Japan and Russia are cooperating with each other not only between the governments but also on the economic side of companies and others.


Top Northern Territories dispute