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Presidential Election


Difference in election of United States and election of Japan

Here, I gathered it up about the difference between United States and system of the election of Japan.


General election
There are two types.

First, Elections to reelect all constituencies (475 people) by the expiration of the term of the House of Representatives or the dissolution of the House of Representatives. The right to be elected (the right to run for elections) is held by Japanese citizens 25 years or older.

Second, According to the Public Offices Election Law, the elections to be held by the expiration or dissolution of the membership of a parliament of a local government. The right to be elected (right to run for election) varies depending on the position.

Regular election
Elections to be held every three years in order to reelect half of the capacity (121 people) due to the expiration of the term of members of the House of Councilors. The right to be elected (the right to run for election) is owned by Japanese citizens aged 30 or over.

Presidential election
Election for electing the president who is the top of the country. Although it may be elected from a group such as Diet members, basically it is elected by the citizen of the general public.

Two big parties in United States

Donald Trump by Gage Skidmore via Attribution Engine. Licensed under CC BY-SA.

Characteristics of Republicans : Conservative thought

Supported by the number of votes cast by the traditional conservative group and about 3 million Christian fundamentalists, against traditional Japan as opposed to the Democratic Party, but against China. It is a political party with anti-communism idea that he does not think so well. On the domestic side, it is a political party of traditional conservative thought, characterized by abortion, death penalty system survival, emphasis on family system, opposition to illegal immigrants, against gun control. Mr. Donald Trump has run for this presidential election.

Clinton Rally 109 by Kakissel via Attribution Engine. Licensed under CC BY.

Democratic features : Revolutionary thought

While there are a lot of votes from the labor movement and minorities (minority), They do not think Japan very much, but it is friendly to China, internationalist and friendly to the United Nations. On the domestic side, it is a political party of the so-called liberal (revolutionary) idea, characterized by abortion complete liberalization, abolition of capital punishment, illegal immigration tolerance, emphasis on labor unions, opposition to marriage system, acceptance of homosexuality, acceptance of religion and diversification. Mrs. Hillary Clinton ran for the presidential election this time.

Result of presidential election

The result of the US presidential campaign held on November 8, 2016 was a victory of Republican candidate Donald Trump, after the fierce fight of both candidates.

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Promised by Mr. Trump

Mr. Donald Trump, Republican Representative who became president in this election, has pledged the following pledges mainly.

  1. Reform of US-China trade
    We urge China to improve environmental standards and labor standards. It also cracks down on intellectual property protection and hacking.
  2. Reform of the Ministry of Veterans Affairs
    Total replacement is carried out to the veterans of the Veterans Affairs Ministry to reform the medical system for veterans. Because of increasing female veterans, doctors specializing in women's medical care are also increased.
  3. Tax reform
    Exempt income tax on persons with annual income less than $ 25,000 (about 3 million yen). We opposed the raising of the minimum wage and said that employment of the manufacturing industry that moved to overseas with low labor costs should be returned to the United States.
  4. Ownership of weapons
    I am against the strengthening of gun control. Moreover, it also opposed the expansion of range of identity survey at the time of purchasing a gun. We are also considering investing money in mental health care in order to reduce gun shooting incident.
  5. Immigration reform
    Abolish immigration system reform introduced by the Obama administration and forcibly repatriate millions of illegal immigrants. Make a "big wall" between the United States and Mexico. The United States seeks to reduce intervention in international conflict.

Response to Mr. Trump’s presidential election

Following Mr. Trump’s election, opposition voice has been raised in the US such as a demonstration march and the removal of the name "trump" from the high - rise apartment developed by Mr. Trump. Meanwhile, expectations are rising as Mr. Trump's policy is not yet clear such as the stock price once fallen back.

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