This page was updated on January 6, 2017. Please note that the content may not be up-to-date.

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Hello! I am T. H. who made a page about the relationship between Japan and the US.
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National Feeling U.S. military bases in Japan Issue Presidential Election

I explained about the above three items this time, could you understand?

From here, I will tell you my own opinion about the three items
(presidential election, national sentiment, base issue).
However, since this is the opinion of the individual alone, it is not a correct answer.
The most important thing is how you felt yourself.

  1. I want to keep a friendly relationship with America.

    As I have said, if Japan becomes bad with the United States, Japan will be left behind in the international community, so I think that it is better to keep friendship with each other in the United States.

  2. I want you to relocate to Henoko and stay in Japan for the US Army.

    I think that defense of Japan cannot be accomplished by JSDF alone. I am also very sorry for the people of Okinawa Prefecture, especially those who live in Henoko, but I also want the government to agree with Henoko relocation, which we thought to alleviate the burden of Okinawa Prefecture even a little. As the US side also said, "When the surroundings are full of hostility against the American army, the army cannot demonstrate sufficient power," so to protect Japan by obtaining the consent of the people of Okinawa prefecture we would like the US military stationed. Also, in Okinawa, since the incident by the American soldier stands out, I think that the government should ask for improvement there.

  3. Presidential election, Following Mr. Trump’s assumption

    Regarding Mr. Trump’s extreme remarks, I think that he will refrain from careless remarks if he becomes the president. President Du Terte of the Philippines who is calling for "election performance" while repeating radical remarks is a good example. I think that it will have a big influence on Japan's economy and defense as well. However, as I said earlier, Mr. Trump’s extreme remarks can be considered as a performance against supporters and citizens who are dissatisfied with the current situation, so I cannot say anything.

    However, whether the relationship between Japan and the US will progress in a good direction depends on Mr. Trump’s move in the future, and there are still many questions about how far Mr. Trump advances policy, but expectations of uneasiness will rise I'm thinking of expecting myself as the voice of it is also rising.

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