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In December, 2016
Won an award at the 16th environmental paper convention for high school students

One of our members won an award for her excellent work at the 16th Environmental Paper Convention for High School Students , which we entered in the summer of 2016. She wrote about happiness connecting forests, and made use of the poster session in November.

In November, 2016
Participated in the Super Global High School report meeting

photo  One of our members took part in the 2nd result presentations of SGH students, which was held at Tokyo campus of Tsukuba University.
 She interacted with other super global high school students and foreign high school students and shared her results of her research with them. Her theme was about disposable wooden chopstick which spreads happiness. This was based on the Sustainable Development Goals as a topic in the symposium. She said that we can't talk about happiness without thinking of the environment because problems of the global environment is getting worse gradually.
 Through her presentation, she said she was able to think about happiness from a different point of view.

In October, 2016
Visited the National Palace Museum in Taiwan

photo  In one group member's stay in Taiwan, she visited the National Palace Museum there, and found what is called a "翠玉白菜(Suigyoku Hakusai)" in Taiwanese. It is a work of art, forming a shape of a Chinese cabbage. It used to be given as a present from parents for their daughter, hoping for their daughter's happiness about several hundred years ago. The Chinese cabbage implies "long life" because their pronunciations are alike in Chinese. And there are some grasshoppers on its leaves which are the symbol of fertility. Parents hoped for their daughter's long life and to have a lot of children. She realized that the mind which parents hope for their daughter's "happiness" hasn't changed over time in any country, and she was moved to realize this little happiness and it made me feel happy. How about trying to pay attention to not only appearances of a work but also backgrounds of it, and appreciate it? You may find "a little happiness"!

In October, 2016
Participated in a program held in Taiwan


 Two of our members joined in a program in Taiwan. They discussed problems of the global environment with students at the Taipei Municipal Taipei First Girl's High School.
They realized that what environmental issues are the most serious differs from country to country.
Although Taiwan is located close to Japan, there were various different points. They felt they were able to develop their ability to think from different points of view and broaden their horizons. These also helped them in thinking about happiness.
Thank you, Taipei Municipal Taipei First Girl's High School Students!!

In July, 2016
Attended a lecture about Social Sciences of Hope

 Members listened to Mr. Shigeki Uno, an expert in Social Science of Hope's lecture. Social Sciences of Hope is a new study to find out the relationship between society and hope. Mr. Uno mainly taught us the recovery in areas where The Great East Japan Earthquake gave extensive damage, and about how Japanese regions should be like from now on under the serious aging society.
We will make the most of this valuable experience to carry out our own study.


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