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    Ranking of Happiness

Where does Japan rank in the world when it comes to happiness? What is "Ranking of Happiness"?

6 factors used in measuring are:

1. GDP per capital

2. Social Support

3. Healthy life expectancy

4. Freedom of make life choices

5. Generosity

6. Perceptions of corruption

Now, let's take a look at the latest "Ranking of Happiness 2016".

The latest "Ranking of Happiness 2016"

(World Happiness Report 2016)


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 According to "Ranking of Happiness 2016," Denmark is the happiest, and Japan ranked 53rd among 156 countries. Unfortunately, Japan has dropped from 46th to 53rd since last year. There may be quite a few people who were surprised to learn it's low ranking.
 Why is the ranking of Japan so low?

Back→Why is the ranking of Japan so low?

