Activities in Japan

On this web page, we introduce organizations making efforts to reduce the amount of food loss. By your cooperation, it will become possible to reduce it more.


This organization is famous for its action to reduce food loss. It carries out activities of food bank and supports people who can’t eat enough food by distributing hot meals and delivering food them directly. You can participate in the seminar held by SECOND HARVEST JAPAN.

Further information is available here.
The official website of SECOND HARVEST JAPAN (Permitted to have the link with our page from SECOND HARVEST JAPAN)

The Consumer Affairs Agency

It provides information and lectures about food loss. Also, The Consumer Affairs Agency, an association of some government offices, promotes the project named “NO-FOOD LOSS” to reduce food loss from home and industry.

Further information is available here.
The official website of The Consumer Affairs Agency
(We published this link based on the user policy.)

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