Hiramoto and Wachi


The decrese of the wild creature

1 .The present condition of the world
2. The present condition of animal kingdom "Kenya"
3. The cause of the decrease and the extinction
4. The animal who decreases
5. Protection (engaging of the world)
6. We can do it now

1. The present condition of the world
     At present, the number of the seed of the wild animal is about 1,750,000 kinds. But, it is the animal who exists securely, and the number of the seed which exists on the earth is said as 7,000,000-20,000,000 kinds with the guess. Wild creatures began to decrease for 1,990 years fee rapidly from. The decrease of the tropical rain wood is given to it as a main cause. It is considering that more than 40% of the seed which exists on the earth exists in the tropical rain wood in the tropical rain wood. It is predicted that 5-15% of the creature kinds in the whole world die out by the tropical rain woods' having decreased for 1,990-year-2,020 years. At present, it is Africa and Latin-America, the tropical area of the Southeast Asia that the decrease of the wild creature kind is most progressing. Most seeds couldn't be adapted to the change, and many animals' extinction came to gain a speed all the more at the present day because increase in the population and the progress of the technology influenced a natural ecosystem after the modern ages and the earth environment changed too rapidly.
    In other words, a creature can't catch up with the change in the environment.

2. The present condition of animal kingdom "Kenya"

    Kenya : area 582,646 square km (1.57 times of Japan)
    Population : 27,885,000 people (1,995 years)
    Average temperature : 26 degrees
    The large-scale rainy season (from March, until May), the small scale rainy season (about November) and the     dry season. There are some days of squalls in the rainy season in the day.
    The most part of the country is the highland savannah zone of the height above sea level 1,700m.

    GEMS: The activities of watching the environment of the world so that person's health may be protected and the preservation of order and public safety may do necessary natural resources. It is started in 1,974, and put on the UNEP headquarters where the organization to adjust the activities of GEMS is in Nairobi.

    The animal who lives : It is almost living except for the gorilla and the chimpanzee.
    Protection establishment : There is an animal's protection establishment about 20 places.

 (1) Nairobi National Park  
    A residence is forgiven only in such cases as human existence activities limit restrict limit human being (control personnel and family) to make the natural wild preservation as it is. Grazing in the country and all the industry activities of farming others aren't recognized.
    The Kenyan wild animal public corporation which is the organ of the country owns it, and it is managed.
    A wild animal is seen by car, and it can turn inside the park.
    It patrols the park whose ranger is wide every day. When this animal gets hurt, there is an establishment where medical treatment is done properly and protected.

 (2) National Reserve
    National Though point is the same as Park, profit right is admitted as soon as possible and to a certain extent such as the inhabitant's residence, grazing and water supply and farming. It was changed to National Reserve at present though it was being called Game Reserve (animal protection district) before.
    Control is not only a country but also a local government.

 (3) Amboseli National Park
    Area 392 square km    Height above sea level 1,100 - 1,200m
    An area is famous for 800 and more elephant's almost being in Kanagawa Prefecture in National Park in aboutthe border of Tanzania. But, as for these elephants, an Amboseli national park is as it were a refuge by the thing that it was thrown for the development of the circumference and poaching and which is being collected.

 (4) Aberdare National Park
    Area 715 square km    Height above sea level 1,829 - 4,000m
    There is worldwide famous "Tree-Top Hotel" here in the forest park which contains an Aberdare Mountains area in the center of Kenya. It was an observation hut like the box which the specialists of the animal research set up on the mind from the first. But, general tourists came to stay soon, too, and it developed, and became a lodge.
    Though it is a forest zone, surprisingly there are many lions.

 (5) Lake Nakuru National Park
    Area 188 square km    Height above sea level 1,753 - 2,073m
    Lake Nakuru is one of soda Lakes which it dots it with along Great lift valley. That is worldwide famous as a protection district of the birds. Flamingo beyond the 1000000 that one side of the lake is covered and which do it and the waterfowl which reaches more than 450 kinds, too, are seen.

 (6) Maasai Mara National Reserve
    Area 1672 square km    Height above sea level 1,500 - 2,170m
    It adjoins it with Serengeti National Park of Tanzania. The area which most animals are inhabiting in the area of the place which is the same as Osaka in Kenya. The big game of savannah is first certainly seen with the elephant, the lion, the cheetah, and so on. The big movement of nu between Serengeti National Parks that it happens twice in the age is famous.

The animal who has been decreasing
    Kenya is one of the countries which are here with the decrease of the wild animal progressing most at present.

 Though it was seen if it went to the place to leave the town of Nairobi for 50 years front a little from now, ivory was made the target of the investment for 1970 years fee, and poaching increased, and an elephant fell into the critical conditions as for the elephant which lived in Kenya. But, it was criticized worldwide, and an elephant was decided to be protected. But, a huge form stops being enough for the feed soon as for the elephant even if a fence surrounds it because it acts with the family, too. Then, the fence which surrounded it was demolished, and the damage that a harvest was eaten broke out frequently. Then, an elephant was made the target of the criticism in another meaning next time, and an elephant had ever been decided that it was allowed to be shot dead by the case.
White Rhinoceros
 White Rhinoceros inhabits the African eastern part by 300, and inhabits South Africa by 5900. Because horn is high-class, poaching occurs in horn frequently, and White Rhinoceros is captured freely.


3. The cause of the decrease and the extinction 
    There is a cause that wild animals decrease and it dies out very much. The resources which are robbed of the wood which an animal lives in and which a human being uses are taken too much, and most is a thing by the human being due to the increase in the population in such cases as poaching.


 (1) Indiscriminate hunting

 (2) The decrease of the 
    inhabiting stage

(3) A change in the 

    (1) Indiscriminate hunting
    1/5 of the mammals are excessively being used by a human being. It is killed to compete with the human being as an animal who is excessively captured for the meat, skin, a tusk and the medical supplies and who eats livestock. It sometimes decreases with the force that the seed is terrible when the meat of the specific mammals animal and skin, a corner, the amount of demand such as a tusk, a bone rise. For example, the individual number decrease such as a whale, an elephant and a rhinoceros is known well.


"Though game is caught, a necessary thing for tomorrow catches us tomorrow.
But, why does a human being catch many animals at a time?
A necessary thing for tomorrow is used up."

    The meat of the wild animal is sometimes sold to the merchant as a main means that a local inhabitant gets cash in Cameroon and a Congolese republic, a part of other countries. Most of the hunting that an inhabitant captures a wild animal is so that the people may exist, and it is the albumen source that animal's meat is important specially for the point inhabitant. But, there is not little hunting in as well ruining a wild animal to supply it to not only the individual consumption but also the market. A wild creature is captured with the terrible force in the woods of the Central African Republic for discriminatory less so that Game Hunting and meat may deal in it.

    (2) The decrease of the inhabiting stage
        i) Woods felling
    Woods felling influences a wild animal closely.
    There is much nature in the most part of the area which an animal inhabits. But, as population increases, building land is developed, and nature with the place is disappearing. Therefore, inhabiting areas decrease, and it is influencing besides with the development of the building land proceeding, too. They are the dealings of the meat of the wild animal. It became a way passed so far in the land where it separated, and a hunter went into the place where there were many animals made the target of the hunting and it can went for woods felling.

        ii) The decrease of the tropical rain wood
    40% and more of the seeds exist there though the tropical rain wood which concentration attack is taken in in the world is only it in occupying only 7% of the land. The tropical rain wood is destroyed with the more intensive force than where, and changed to other things. A tropical rain wood is burned many times, and a tropical rain wood is used for the agricultural land for the cultivation, and it decreases excessive firewood charcoal materials that it is collected and it has felling of the material done by over-grazing, disorder in the cause to make a field.
Then, many animals are dead along with it. About 70% of the animals who are characteristic of the land are in south Asia and east Asia, the Brazilian eastern Atlantic shore wood, and so on in the crisis of the extinction. It decreases to 2000 years rapidly as much as to expect for a tropical rain wood in the world that to disappear if tropical rain woods keep decreasing just like this.
    This is a serious problem.

        iii) A change in the ecosystem

The first floor : green plant
The second floor : herbivore
The third floor : miniature carnivore
Apex : large carnivore

    It is greatly divided into the creature, and there are a carnivore, a herbivore, a green plant. A carnivore eats a herbivore, and a herbivore eats a green plant. CO2 that it is discharged by the carnivore and the grass food plant is changed to O2, and a carnivore and a herbivore absorb O2 made by the photosynthesis as for the green plant.
As for the much smaller creature, the animal's discharge thing changes inorganic substance to the organic substance. A big influence happens in the ecosystem when even one relation of such a food chain is stopped by some causes and it breaks. For example, it is the influence of the invading kind. The native species of the miniature that it lives in the island when the animal who originally doesn't inhabit the island and a continent breaks by the way, or the medium size sometimes dies out. A kind of seeds decrease by occurring unusually besides, and the pyramid of the ecosystem sometimes crumbles.


4. The animal who decreases 

    It is the tropical area of Africa, Latin-America, the Southeast Asia that the decrease of the wild animal is most progressing. But, not only those countries but also the decrease of the wild animal progresses in the world.

    The animal who dies out
   i)  Tiger : There is much demand to make it the traditional medicine which makes the organ of the tiger flattery medicine and medical supplies in India which has many tigers. Poaching increase markedly because the organ of the body which it can get from 1 tiger is the biggest and it is sometimes 5,000,000 dollars, too. Therefore 5,000 wild tigers stopped living from 3,000.

    ii) Panda : It is the most unstable in the Chinese western part in all the seeds of the bear because an inhabiting bloc has the number of the total individuals of the wild panda limited to the little Chinese western area before and after about 1,000. Worldwide concern is high, too, and it is gathered, and a research fund is improving from many people in the present condition.

    iii) Gorilla : It is being exposed to the crisis of the extinction by the destruction of the residence and the human hunting.

    iv) Black Rhinoceros : Three kinds inhabit Asia, the Malaysia Islands, and only all five kinds inhabit tropical Africa two kinds. Because it is very high-class, there are many poaching in horn of the rhinoceros, and four kinds out of five kinds are just before the extinction.

    v) Snow Leopard : It is captured too much for the fur though it is inhabiting the mountain zone of the Central Asia.

    vi) American White Crane : Though it was distributed before even in the American middle western part, the Mexican bay shore from the Canadian central part, number decreased, and became in the 1930's with 15 that a propagation area wasn't clear only passing the winter in the seashore of the State of Texas. But, the number of the individuals was recovered even beyond 200 in the beginning of 90 fee by the strict protection.

    vii) Lemur : It is inhabiting Madagascar Island which floats in the Indian Ocean, and the Komoro Islands. At present, though about 50 kinds are confirmed, there is fear of the extinction more than 70% for woods felling and food, capture as a pet and poaching.


Golden Lion Tamarin :

It is inhabiting the coastal tropical zone of the Brazilian southwestern part. It is an animal like the monkey which has a hair like a lion. Development proceeds in Brazil, and wild things have been decreasing even to several hundred at present.

    ix) Blue Whale : It was put on 1,930-60's, and it became a goal for the whaling in the whale oil, barbel, the benefit such as meat, and seemed to die out.

    x) Humpback Whale : Though it was on the verge of the extinction, the number has been increasing in the beginning of the 20th century from 1,940 fee.

    xi) Duck : The number of the individuals of Duck of North America continent has been decreasing gradually.
It has the benefit that the swamp which becomes the feed place of the waterfowl and a propagation area has been being the environment which is hard to be finished predicted. When it is compared with 1,987 only with 66,000,000, Duck which it crossed south in autumn in 1,988 decrease by no less than 8,000,000.

    The animal who has already died out  

The animal (mammals and birds) who died out from 1600 by 1880
The year when it died out
Steller's Sea Cow
Tahitian Snipe
Ogasawara Mashiko
Great Auk
Folkland Wolf
    Though Steller's Sea Cow which died out in 1768  
 was in the Japanese seashore as well until about 100,000 years ago, it was discovered with the Bering Sea in 1,741 by a Russian exploration party, and it came to be aimed for in since it for food. It was easy to be found to the fisherman, and it was killed freely because it had the habit that it was afraid of the company injured with the gentle animal who eats tangle and which gathered. The seed which lasted for no less than 200,000 years was very much for 30 years only, and died out.

    Neither a reptile nor the Amphibia has so many kinds of the individual as it in the same way as the mammals.
As for the reptile, 6300 kinds are known. As for the Amphibia, about 4000 kinds are known. But, it doesn't know with either as well, and research isn't being done comparatively very much, either. It doesn't pass in only 1/5 of the whole of the reptile and 1/8 of the Amphibia having protection condition investigated by a scientist formally.
As for this, many animals die out besides just in a part, too.


5. Protection (engaging of the world)

    There are various treaties to protect a wild creature in the world.

    A famous treaty is introduced even of that.

    i) Washington treaty
    A treaty about the international dealings of the seed of the wild animals and plants with fear of the extinction
    It was adopted in American Washington, and it became effective in 1975.
    The purpose of the treaty tried to attempt the protection of the wild animals and plants which have the fear of the extinction by an importing country's cooperating with the exporting country about the international dealings of the wild animals and plants and regulating it. The wild animals and plants of the regulation object are being flown in attached document T, U, V from the expensive thing of fear of the extinction.

    Attached document T
    In such cases as Giant Panda, Gorilla, Tiger, Ohsansyouo, 575 list of articles

    Attached document U
    In such cases as Polor Bear, Green Iguana, Chameleon, 246 list of articles

    Attached document V
    It depends on the designation of every country. (in Canada, Walrus), 240 list of articles

    The thing inserted in T has the international dealings of the commercial purpose prohibited, and the permission document which the government of the exporting country and the importing country issues becomes necessary for the international dealings of the learning purpose as well. Though a commercial purpose is possible, too, the permission that exporting country government issues it becomes necessary by the thing inserted in U, V. Japan joined it in 1980. 136 countries belongs. (the 1997 present)

    ii)  Ramusar treaty
    The treaty related to the especially internationally important swamp as a habitat of the waterfowl. It was adopted with Iranian Ramusar in 1975. This treaty is the treaty which aimed at using the swamp where it was destroyed easily while value is especially the highest for the waterfowl properly with preserving it internationally for the creature.

A registration swamp in the Japanese country 
with the Ramusar treaty
Registration time
June 1980
 Kushiro Shitsugen
September 1985
Lake Izu-ko.Uchinuma
July 1988
Lake Kussyaro-ko
December 1991
Lake Utonai-ko
June 1993
Kiritappu Shitsugen
June 1993
Lake Akkeshi-ko
Betsukannbeushi Shitsugen
June 1993
Yatsu Higata
June 1993
Katano Konoike
June 1993
Lake Biwa-ko

    iii) Creature variety treaty
    The fundamental treaty which aimed at the preservation of the creature of the world.
    It was adopted with Nairobi of the Kenyan republic in May, 1,992. 157 countries which contained Japan same year 6 in the lunar earth summit signed a treaty, and it was issued in December, 1,993. The variety of every creature on the earth is preserved to the full with those inhabiting environments, and this treaty aims at the distribution of the fair profit which it can get from the gene which a creature has the continuous use further in the reality in.

    iv) Red DataBook
    The thing which cleared the conditions of inhabiting as the materials for an international conservation of nature league (IUCN) to stop the extinction of the wild animals and plants.
    It is being divided into four steps.

    Extinction kind (the seed which has already died out)

    Extinction misgivings kind (the seed which is in the crisis of the extinction)

    Emergency kind (the seed whose danger of the extinction is big)

    Few rare kinds (the seed that it is afraid of the extinction for the reason why number is small)

    v) NGO
    It is given to the international organ, the world conservation of nature fund (WWF), and so on, and it cooperates, and international conservation of nature combination (IUCN) does an information exchange and investigation research, diffusion enlightenment activities, and so on as NGO. It has grappled with the preparation of the international treaty draft and so on variously by this, "Red Databook "the world preservation strategy" "new world preservation strategy". There are many NGOs, and it is grappling with the various activities in these others as well.

    vi) WWF
    It was founded in the folks conservation of nature group of the world maximum in 1961. The headquarters of WWF is set up at present in Switzerland, and each committee is held by 24 countries, and there is a cooperation group in 6 countries, and supported with about 4700000 people by the supporter of 6000 group. The continuous offer of the natural resources that the preservation of order and public safety has a gene, a seed, the variety of each level of the ecosystem and which can reproduce is promoted, and environmental pollution is reduced, and WWF aims at preventing resources, a waste of the energy. The aggravation of the natural environment is led in the direction of the recovery from the destruction, and it aims at mankind's learning to live with the nature. It makes a start in 1971, and "WWF JAPAN" is active as a 1 of the committees of the WWF each country.

6. We can do it now

    Like this, a moment must make the conditions that animals are being terrified at the crisis of the extinction and it is living we human being work and can improve it early, too. Therefore, it is important to reduce the resources which we use to a minimum and to protect many woods at all and to increase it to protect the place for an animal where to live. Let's use recycled paper to reduce the use of the paper taken concretely from the tree. Paper can be made easily if only there are a blender and washing glue even in general home. It is to try so that it never kills it uselessly except for the necessary animal by all means besides so that a human being may live. Recently, an animal is moved to the target of the shoot in the play half, and there is a person who does Game Hunting and so on which is sometimes shot with the gun, too. There must never be such a thing though it is some of just the people to do such a thing. Both the animal who lives in the wood and the sea and a human being are the animals who live in the completely same earth. Let's treasure each life.

    Then, let's try not to buy ivory. It is to say that an elephant is killed indirectly to say that ivory is bought. 80% of the ivory is a thing by poaching. It decreases even to the half nowadays by this though 1500000 elephants were in Africa 10 years ago. Needless to say it is exposed to the crisis of the extinction at 10 more years. If it says by being familiar, coral to sell in the souvenir shop, and the fur of the tiger are to try not to buy it, too.
Such a thing is sufficient only with our power. That circulation can be prevented as much as the point if it prevents the extreme power from buying ivory, coral and the fur of the tiger though it said because there is a position of the consumer which is resistant to us. It is greatly decided that your thought of the consumer and will decide the future world.

    An animal is saved if it comes to think about the animal of the world and an environment.



Hiramoto and Wachi