
The theme of this site is "infection". From the basic knowledge of pathogens, we aim to become a site that you can learn more about infections, including experiments on bacteria.
I would be happy if you would be interested in many people.

Please select your age group


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It is divided into three pages for elementary school students, junior high school students, high school students, and adults. Please visit the page that suits you.


Change log

2017/11/19 We began publishing the website. I will update it sequentially.
2017/11/21 We updated the website.
2017/12/31 We updated the website.
2018/01/07 We updated the website.

Recommended environment

  • InternetExplorer11
  • Microsoft Edge:Latest edition
  • GoogleChrome:Latest edition
  • Safari・MobileSafari:Latest edition
  • Firefox:Latest edition
  • AndroidStandard browser:Latest edition
  • Javascript/CSS:ON

*We assume that you will see it under the browser environment above, we have created.
*In order to use some contents, the latest version of Adobe Acrobat Reader is necessary.