A world spreading just by knowing

Various refugees

environmental refugees

Let's talk from people who are calledenvironmental refugees.
The living place as the name says is those who have
become unable to live due to environmental changes etc.

I can not imagine a change in the
environment as much as I can not live.

There are many factors.
Let's give an example that two people might know as well.

Example 1 The country will sink! What? Republic of Tuvalu.

1 Tuvalu Republic is a small island country floating in the South Pacific.

2 Polar ice melts due to global warming, the sea level rises.

3 The ground of the island is made mainly of coral reefs. However,
  due to modernization coral reefs were scraped off or pierced.
Ground subsidence occurred

4 Results ...
The whole country began to sink, the place where I lived was submerged,
and someone who has become impossible to live has appeared.

Example 2 Locally banned from entering .... Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Accident

1 There was a nuclear power plant in Okuma Town, Fukushima Prefecture.

2 In 2011, a huge earthquake called Tohoku Region Pacific
Offshore Earthquake (so-called "East Japan great earthquake")
occurred. The tsunami caused by the earthquake hit the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant directly. It was destroyed.

3 In order to prevent harmful radiation exposure
from a broken nuclear plant,nearby areas became a no-entry area,
so that the inhabitants could not return home.