Survey on IoT
We were in charge of the questionnaire.Thank you.
When we created the site, we conducted a questionnaire survey inside the school that we wanted to grasp the current situation as to how much subject high school student knows about IoT.
Target: 247 first grade high school students (168 men and 79 women)
Q1. Have you heard the word IoT?
Target: 247 first grade high school students (168 men and 79 women) YES 70people NO 177people 28% of people have heard the word IoT, fewer than we expected. |
Moreover, in the aggregate by gender, there were many cases that the man had heard. In the humanities and sciences calculations, we found that the sciences know "IoT" at twice the rate of literature.
Target: 247 (168 men and 79 women) | Target: 241 (73 humanities 168 for sciences) |
Q2. Q2. Who did you answer "yes" with Q1? Where did you hear it? (Multiple answers allowed)
□ TV □ Newspaper □ Magazine □ Family and Friend □ Internet
□ TV □ Newspaper □ Magazine □ Family and Friend □ Internet
Target: 70 people who answered yes in Q1 TV 35 Newspaper 13 Magazine 13 Family and Friend 25 Internet 36 The clues that they learned about IoT were about the same people from TV and the Internet. |
Q3. Who answered "Yes" with Q1 Do you know what IoT stands for? If you know please write down what it stands for.
(You can use English or Katakana)
(You can use English or Katakana)
Target: 70 people who answered yes in Q1 There are 25 people who know what IoT stands for, and 45 people who did not know. However, out of the 25 people who answered that they knew, 13 people (19%) resulted in the abbreviation correctly (English or Katakana). In other words, it is 5% of the total 247 people. |
Q4. Those who answered "Yes" with Q1. How much do you know about IoT? Please select from the following
How much do you know about IoT? Even those who know IoT, most people have heard the words to a certain extent, and only 10 people answered that they can explain properly. |
It turned out that high school students did not know about IoT more than we thought.
This site will be seen by many people, and we aim to create a site where most high school students will answer "I know IoT".