Copyright information

When creating this website, I referred to various documents. Also, I was indebted to each facility who got interviewed.


【use and cited information】Isogo pocket 〜Isogo Ward statistics white paper 2016〜(いそごポケット 〜磯子区統計白書2016〜)
【Usage ・ Cited URL】outline page
【Information source】Isogo pocket 〜Isogo Ward statistics white paper 2016〜(いそごポケット 〜磯子区統計白書2016〜)
【How to get permission】We got permission from Isogo Ward office directly.
【Date of obtaining permission】August 4, 2017

【use and cited information】Understand Yokohama(わかるヨコハマ)
【Usage ・ Cited URL】history page
【Information source】Understand Yokohama(わかるヨコハマ)
【How to get permission】We got permission from the Yokohama City Board of Education by phone.
【Date of obtaining permission】October 31, 2017

Map of Outline

【use and cited information】CraftMAP様>日本地図HP素材集TOP>都市別素材一覧>横浜市 の素材集
【Usage ・ Cited URL】TOP picture・slide pictureOutline page
【Information source】CraftMAP
【How to get permission】This page to use and notes
【Date of obtaining permission】September 1, 2017

About jQuery

Regarding the use of this site's jQuary program, we use it based on "MIT license".